Kennedy What if John F. Term Paper

Total Length: 614 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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S., Great Britain and the Soviet Union. However, due to Kennedy's assassination in Dallas on November 22, these negotiations stalled, especially when France and China refused to become parties to the new non-nuclear proliferation treaty. Thus, if Kennedy had survived, it is clear that this treaty might have served as the foundation for a very early movement against nuclear proliferation and might have signaled the end of the "Cold War" some twenty-seven years before it finally did end in 1989 with the fall of the Soviet Union.

Second, in 1963, many American civil rights leaders, especially Martin Luther King, Jr., wished to speed up the progress of desegregation in the U.S. which led to a number of important demonstrations. In June of 1963, President Kennedy was convinced that the American public was demanding some type of action by Congress to end desegregation in America. As a result, Kennedy sent to Congress a civil rights bill that included provisions designed to expedite the registration of black voters, to guarantee equal access to all public accommodations, to allow the U.S. Attorney General (Robert Kennedy) to institute lawsuits to desegregate the schools and to withhold federal funds from state or local programs in which racial discrimination was evident.

Certainly, if Kennedy had survived, this civil rights bill, the first of its kind in the United States since the days of the Civil War in the 1860's, might have helped to stave off a number of violent protests in some major U.S. cities during the late 1960's. As previously pointed out, this bill was stalled in Congress at the time of Kennedy's assassination, but if he had survived and had been allowed to return to Washington to pressure Congress to pass the bill immediately, the history of the Civil Rights Movement in….....

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