Legal Definition of a 'Jury Discussion Chapter

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The purpose of these impeachment techniques is to verify to the best of one's purpose that the jury members are objective and competent as well as reliable enough to officiate in the trial.

Limitations placed are that a party may only impeach his own witness if the witness were an adverse party (i.e. called to stand; if the witness was hostile; if law as witness required the witness; and if the witness surprised the party by offering damaging testimony. It seems to me that the technique of 'bias' is the most important specifically so since witnesses have to be above bias, and one biased witness can potentially corrode jury decision-making.

Defendant's decision to testify / not testify

A defendant may want to testify at his own trial due to not having the resources to employ the lawyer he most wants to represent him, or due to feeling that the lawyer given him will not make as effective an appeal as he himself can.

The defendant may not be cross-examined by the prosecutor since the Fifth Amendment protects defendants from incriminating themselves or from allowing others to incriminate them. These potential dangers may result in the lack of a fair trial by jury.

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The defendant necessarily gives up the rights of having a qualified lawyer represent him.

Assuming that the defendant did not testify at his own trial, the judges or persecutors cannot comment on this fact since the Fifth Amendment disallows others to incriminate defendant (which the above statement would implicitly do). Incriminating defendant (particularly by authority figure such as judge and prosecutor) may result in the lack of a fair trial by jury.


The American Jury Bulwark of Democracy A jury of one's peers

Lawyers. Com. What's impeachment of a witness?

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