Legalities of Being a Nutritional Consultant Essay

Total Length: 640 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Legalities of Being a Nutritional Consultant:

The field of nutritional counseling and being a nutritional consultant is one of the significant and serious vocations. The significance of this profession is enhanced by the increase in the number of people with health-related problems or nutritional deficiency because of their diet and lifestyles. Due to the increase in these issues, it's increasingly important for people to learn how to care for their bodies through information they receive from nutritional consultants. Even though good nutrition is regarded as quite easy to understand and execute, it is considerably regulated by both state and federal governments. Therefore, nutritional consulting must be conducted within some guidelines and in respect to the state and federal regulations.

Similar to other parts in the United States, working as a nutritional consultant in the state of California basically involves evaluating signs of nutritional deficiency in an individual and recommending supplements, food, and lifestyle changes for the client. Throughout the United States, a nutritional consultant does not possess a license and is not normally registered since there is no national credentialing board approved by the government (Peattie, n.d.).

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Based on reports by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, every state has varying laws about registration for governing the practice. Many nutritional consultant practitioners tend to have solid knowledge on anatomy and physiology because these concepts are provided by many programs that offer certification and degrees in nutrition.

Some of most common lifestyle changes that are suggested by these professionals include dietary limits and physical exercise. While a nutritional consultant may possess knowledge of physiology and anatomy, he/she is prohibited from diagnosing symptoms of a disease and prescribing medications. Nutritional consultants need to be very careful to comply with this regulation because most of their clients come with diagnosis or doctor's reports. In order for nutritional consultants to comply with this regulation, he/she should constantly remind clients that the goal is not….....

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