Marketing Many Companies Now Use Term Paper

Total Length: 393 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

This is just one instance of the critical need for this link between supplier and buyer, yet there are many, many more that are specific production, product customization, pricing, services, and support.

Synchronizing the customers' demands with the supply chain is critical for any virtual corporation to compete globally (Manufacturing Engineer 2005). This extends past the supply chain planning and execution and also includes logistics practices that both suppliers and buyers share Aberdeen Group (2006).
The bottom line is that for both suppliers and buyers to be able to grow their respective businesses, the need for tight synchronization and collaboration has never been greater. Accentuated by the increasing speed of product lifecycles and the need for greater control of costs that ever before, synchronization and collaboration of supplier and buyer information to sustain companies moving towards being virtual corporations was never been greater......

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