Marketing Because We Can Purchase Essay

Total Length: 397 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

Duracell batteries are a Proctor and Gamble company but one would not know from reading the labels. Some household products and toiletries -- like Secret deodorant and Tide detergent is clearly marked as a Proctor and Gamble company but others are not, such as Boss fragrance. I have many P&G products I would not have known about without visiting their Web site including the Swiffer cleaner, Charmin toilet paper, and Vicks cough drops.

4. The array of products in any given P&G category is stunning, proving how a successful corporation uses product positioning as a specific marketing strategy. Positioning is mainly established visually, via brand logos.
Some brand logos are so familiar that the human eye need only glance briefly at it and the person will instantly know what the item is. Product descriptions attempt to verbally differentiate products from one another in the same category. For example, Era is "powerful" and "tough on stains" whereas Ivory is "mild," "gentle," and "pure." Some category unity is maintained such as in the paper products category in which each of the three (Bounty, Charmin, and Puffs) is characterized by a swoosh/curvilinear logo suggesting wiping......

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