Masons Although a Great Deal Thesis

Total Length: 673 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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In 1784, the Grand Lodge in England granted Prince Hall an independent charter and thus, the African Lodge tradition began. Prince Hall freemasonry thrived alongside its white counterparts, offering the black communities of the United States, Canada, and the West Indies opportunities for fraternization and service. The existence of Prince Hall masonry parallels racial disparity and disunity in former European colonies. At the same time, Prince Hall freemasonry also illuminates some of the more clandestine social organizations that bolstered black communities. Therefore, this paper will place Prince Hall freemasonry within its historical and sociological contexts.

This research will also explore and refute anti-Masonic viewpoints such as those espoused by evangelical Christian organizations. Many anti-Masonic perspectives address race relations and target at Prince Hall freemasonry in particular.
For example, Ramey suggests that Prince Hall masonry is filled with dangerous and "deadly deceptions" that has contributed to the oppression of African-Americans.

The nature of freemasonry will be examined independently of Prince Hall, given that the latter derives its rites, rituals, and underlying philosophies from parent traditions. Masonic spirituality, metaphysics, and worldview will be discussed. Masonic symbols and traditions will be analyzed in terms of how they affected the African-American community within the Prince Hall tradition. In other words, this research should help illuminate the social and psychological impetus for joining Prince Hall Masonic lodges or forming new ones. Currently, an estimated 300,000 members practice in over 4500 Prince Hall Masonic lodges ("Who Is Prince Hall?").


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