Master's Degree in Finance From MIT Sloan. Application Essay

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Master's degree in Finance from MIT Sloan. I have embarked on a number of high-level internships that have given me significant financial industry experience. This has been built on a foundation that includes a high-quality undergraduate education, along with several years of working experience.

In terms of competencies, I have the necessary mathematical skills in order to excel in the Finance program. I achieved my B.Sc. In mathematics at Bogazici University in Istanbul, which is one of the top universities in Turkey. I know that advanced-level finance requires not only mathematics but also extensive work with computer software, and I have built my skills in that area as well. Additionally, I have worked to become a talented writer, able to express my ideas with clarity and concision.

One of my greatest strengths is in leadership. I have worked to build my leadership skills as well over the past few years. The foundation of a school like Sloan is based on developing leaders, and for me this is one area where I continue to grow and improve. To become a leader in finance requires me to not only have strong technical skills, but be able to inspire, to marshal resources and to deal well with my fellow team members.

Knowing how much the industry has come under fire in recent years, for the accounting scandals in the early 2000s to issues at JP Morgan earlier this year, the financial industry needs leaders with a strong sense of ethics, as well as the ability to perform.

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The financial leaders and innovators of tomorrow are going to drive growth, providing the means for the world's capital markets to function, and for its economies to growth. Every sound economy in history has been predicated on ethics and trust, so I have long cultivated a reputation as a leader of the highest principles.

My professional credentials illustrate a progressive set of internships in Istanbul, working with some of the top banks in the world. I worked as an analyst in corporate/investment banking for Societe Generale, and I worked as an analyst in both investment research and investment banking at Citigroup. Prior to these experiences, I enjoyed a role as an analyst at PricewaterhouseCoopers, processing statistics on the Turkish banking industry.

The contribution of attributes that I will bring to the Masters in Finance program at MIT Sloan will make me a natural leader in the classroom. I bring experience from one of the greatest cities the world has ever seen, and a key emerging market economy. I have worked on my leadership skills and will be an active communicator and collaborator in my work, not only excelling for myself but making my classmates better as well. I will bring talent, leadership, functional competency and a strong work ethics to….....

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