Media in the United States Plays an Essay

Total Length: 649 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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media in the United States plays an increasingly more active role in what we see, what we hear, how we think, and how we learn about the rest of our world. The media today is comprised of massive, powerful conglomerates and has replaced the small, independent news agencies that once produced the news. Instead, the dissemination of the news has become the responsibility of large corporations whose primary business is most likely something other than collecting, researching, and broadcasting the news. Journalism is no longer the primary responsibility of most news agencies. The new responsibility is generating profits.

Take the example of the one of the world's largest news media companies: Rupert Murdochs's News Corporation which owns the Fox News Agency. In addition Murdoch's Corporation owns an additional individual 26 televisions stations and a majority interest in 7 others. The News Corporation has total assets in excess of 52 billion dollars and enjoys total revenues every year of at least 40 billion dollars.
Murdoch's corporation is involved in cable and satellite television, owns several different magazines and newspapers, and an internet information service. When it comes to the dissemination of information, Murdoch's News Corporation is involved in every aspect of it and the News Corporation is not alone. The fact is that every news agency in America, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and TBS is widely diversified and no longer has as its primary responsibility the broadcasting of the news.

The wide reach of the news agencies allows them to control, or least strongly influence, every aspect of American life. The news agencies control what is broadcast on television, what is aired on our radios, and what is contained in our newspapers and magazines. The news broadcast system essentially determines what we should be interested in and controls what we know about such subjects. Take, for instance, the recent furor over the Trayvon Martin. The event is tragic and deserves considerable attention but….....

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