Mexican and Indian Food Research Paper

Total Length: 889 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Food and Cultural Nuances


I am writing about Mexican culture. Mexicans are predominantly Christians, which plays a significant role in their worldview. This worldview is the result of colonization efforts by the Spanish. Thus, the worldview of this culture is prone to hard work and sacrifice, as well as conventional Western morality. Many Mexicans believe that if they work hard and sacrifice in this life, they will gain rewards in the afterlife.

The Mexican worldview is at variance with that of my culture, which is Southeast Asian Indian. While Mexican culture is primarily Occidental, mine is rooted in eastern thought and philosophy. The predominant religion of my culture is Hinduism. This religion is much less preoccupied with material items than Christianity is, which is a large point of differentiation in the worldviews of these cultures.

Health beliefs

The health beliefs of Mexican culture are multifaceted. One the one hand, this is a culture which values girth and weight as an outward manifestation of healthiness. In general, this culture does not prize exercise as a means of staying healthy. Instead, the mores of this culture are focused on eating well and working hard. Eating well generally constitutes having enough choice food.

The health beliefs of Indian culture are different from those of conventional Mexican culture.
Indians do not consider heaviness or corpulence as much a sign of health as Mexicans do. Instead, Indians view svelte, trim figures much more aligned with health than Mexicans do. Indian culture views exercise as a key means of maintaining health; Mexican culture does not necessarily do so.

Foods habits

The food habits of Mexican culture are fairly distinct. Grain is highly valued in the form of rice and tortillas. Additionally, refried beans are another staple in this culture, particularly the refried beans that contain lard. Breakfast foods include vittles high in cholesterol such as eggs and chorizo. Chorizo is a type of sausage containing pork which is decidedly fattening.

There are certain points of comparison between the food habits of traditional Indian culture and traditional Mexican Both cultures readily embrace rice as one of their staples, and the Mexican preoccupation with grain is evinced in the predominance of wheat found in conventional Indian cuisine. Other important food found throughout the Indian culture includes “pulses with chana” (Culture India, 2017).

Meal composition/cycle

One of the most distinguishing features of the meal composition and cycle of Mexican culture is fried foods. Some of the most popular dishes in this culture are fried or contain elements of fried food. These include chimichangas,….....

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