Microsoft and Runs on Microsoft Windows and Essay

Total Length: 620 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Microsoft and runs on Microsoft Windows and Apple's Mac OS X operating system. The current versions are Microsoft PP 2011 for Mac and Microsoft PP 2010 for Windows. Originally designed for Macintosh and called "Presenter," Dennis Austin and Thomas Rudkin of Forethought, Inc. created the original version with the name changed to "PowerPoint" in 1987. Microsoft bought "Forethought" in that same year, and developed the program (Atkinson, 2009).

It was PP 1997 that introduced the significant changes in the program with its transition to a non-linear, movie-like style from one page to the next, using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language that allowed users to achieve this process without need for learning programming (Atkinson, 2009). PP 2000 introduced the clipboard that could hold multiple objects at once, as well as the Office Assistant icon whose presence was later configured to be less intrusive.

Microsoft Office manufactures a number of products including Excel, Windows, SQL Server, BizTalk server (for business process management); Silverlight (a web applications framework); Small Business Server (for messaging and other small business features); and Microsoft Exchange Server for business oriented e-mail and other minor business-oriented features).

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PP has numerous benefits including saving time for people who would otherwise have to work and rework their presentations using tedious handouts, overhead projections, mechnaically typeset slides, blackboards, or whiteboards, or other types of visual aid. Aside from this, PP is undoubtedly more professional. Its ease of use, furthermore, encourages more people who would be reluctant to create presentations to compose their presentation, as well as being able to present their lecture in various attractive formats such as animation and other multimedia abilities. For those who have trouble deciding, an "AutoContent Wizard" suggests various structures for a presentation and leads the novitiate through the steps.

I am still a relative PP beginner tentatively using the programs for some….....

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