Misrepresentation and Online Dating With Research Proposal

Total Length: 870 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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The interrelationship between the perception of deception and the sender and receiver's behaviors and cognitions are unique.

Griffin (2003) further describes the power of persuasion and its effects on communication. With online dating, this can be especially important. The user searching through profiles has a desire to find someone they feel is suited to them. A well written profile, describing and enhancing all of a member's best attributes, can be a very powerful persuader, especially when combined with the searcher's longing to make a match. The deception that is so easily undertaken, with the veil of anonymity afforded by the Internet, is a significant persuader for those being decieved.

Aim & Objectives

The aims and objectives of this study were to investigate misrepresentation amongst online daters, exploring how they manage their online presentation of themselves in the hope of finding a romantic partner. Deception will be accessed via misrepresentation by comparing an online daters' profile information with the observed characteristics via a MSN Messenger Program. The characteristics observed were height, occupation, Online Photo, personality type and marital status.

2. Theories and Hypothesis

Based on research the hypothesises are:

Hypothesis 1: Online daters exaggerate about their personality type in the hope of trying to find a romantic partner

Based on Power of Persuasion theory and interpersonal attraction theory - Research expected online daters to exaggerate about their personality type with the intent of trying to find a romantic partner

Hypothesis 2: Deception used online dating sites is successful.

Stuck Writing Your "Misrepresentation and Online Dating With" Research Proposal?

Based on Buller and Burgoon's interpersonal deception theories, research expected users' to be deceitful with the intent to be successful.

2.0 Methodology

2.1 Participants

Six online daters were approached for this study (2 female and 4 male). All respondents were Caucasians and the ages ranged from 28 to 52 years, all participants resided in the UK. Forty-six percent of the respondents stated that their relationship status were divorced, 67% were single.

2.2 Procedure

Participants were selected from two of the largest UK online dating sites that the researcher was a current member of, Fusion101.co.uk and FriendsReunitedDating.co.uk. One of the original profiles had been changed from a female to a male and the other remained as a female. The researcher then randomly selected twenty-two participants from the sites by sending them winks and emails and the overall response rate was 20%.

Once contact had been initiated with the respondents after several times the researcher invited them to MSN Chat to communicate with them more instantly. This study mostly consisted of open-ended questions.....

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