Modules 2 3 4 TD Discussions A-Level Outline Answer

Total Length: 664 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 6

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TD DiscussionsModule 2Thanks to transformative learning, I have been receptive of new factual points of view, even in those instances where my deeper convictions are questioned. It is this ability to be formless as far as my acquisition of knowledge is concerned that has enabled me to grasp useful concepts critical to my success. From early on, I also elected to drop all the perspectives I had that were no longer serving me. This is consistent with Gould’s assertion (as cited in Kroth and Cranton, 2014) to the effect that our assumptions early on in life regarding ourselves do incur revisions as we move along – especially when we realize that those assumptions no longer serve us.For students, the relevance of deforming prior perceptions cannot be overstated. It is important to note that as Kroth and Cranton (2014) point out, “meaning perspectives are usually uncritically assimilated in childhood” (p. 58). Students ought to make use of critical thinking as well as reasoning skills to interrogate their perspective on issues, and the make the relevant adjustment if earlier beliefs are questioned. As an educator, in addition to being constructionist, I will likely promote the utilization of prior understanding of issues to define and analyze new meanings, and then encourage interpretive revisions that are likely to direct future undertakings.

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…also sharpened my critical thinking abilities. I am now able to assess situations from various perspectives so as to develop rational solutions to various concerns. Thanks to Trident, I am also more skilled in the use of information systems to facilitate educational activities. I can now participate fully in education policy planning and formulation. The key skills which I have acquired and which I believe will come in handy include the provision of administrative support to the teaching staff, student cycle management, complaints handling, etc. I am of the opinion that as currently constituted, the program sufficiently meets its intended objectives. It fully prepares one to take up challenging situations and gives….....

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