Motivating Reluctant Readers a Girl Assessment

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One example is Life after Loss: A Practical Guide to Renewing Your Life after Experiencing Major Loss by Bob Deits (2004), but there are many suitable books of this nature. I would expect this student to read this book very eagerly because of the subject matter and the practical significance to his life. I might also recommend counseling for this student to address possible issues related to depression based on his obvious circumstantial risk factors. I would consult with his family as well to better understand the student and also to impress on them the importance of being sensitive to his feelings but not to the extent that they allow him to escape his academic responsibilities on a long-term basis.

4. What about the kid who seems disinterested in anything except NASCAR or rock music?

There are several possible approaches in this case; my choice would probably be based on other factors and attitudinal issues with this students.

Stuck Writing Your "Motivating Reluctant Readers a Girl" Assessment?

One option might be to allow him to supplement his reading material with literature that is related to his interests, such as by assigning books about the history of NASCAR or Rock and Roll. Another option might be give him the opportunity to earn rewards such as tickets to NASCAR events or rock concerts by satisfying various academic requirements. Generally, this case should represent the easiest to deal with because a significant aspect of learning to read and write is capable of being promoted effectively regardless of the specific subject matter. As long as the student was cooperative and willing to make the effort on his part, there is no downside to allowing him to fulfill reading requirements with subject matter of….....

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