Multi-National Web Site Design. Zara Thesis

Total Length: 885 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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, although apparently still the same in content.

Are the two companies similar with respect to the customization that has been done?

IKEA is far more customized in terms of its design for the company websites, while ZARA has virtually no customization other than store locations and offering the site in different languages.

Why do you think this customization has been done? (Culture, market characteristics, competition, differences in customer Internet access, etc.)

Zara is a smaller and younger brand, and has not had the time to create slightly different approaches for different nations, while IKEA is more established. Also in the case of furniture, furniture must be more 'customized' to individual locations and regional preferences than one or two pieces of clothing. People are more likely to buy a single, daring coat than a sofa.

To what extent do you think these four Web sites are useful for marketing (as distinct from investor relations or other purposes)?

In the case of ZARA, the website and its various lists of locations are useful for conveying an image, which is critical for an expensive clothing line with an eye upon 'high end' customers.
Its relative lack of customization as compared with IKA is less troubling, because it is so image-heavy it is possible to understand the website in almost every language. In the case of IKEA, the website contains a tremendous amount of information and humor and conveys additional ethical information about the company not apparent when merely gazing upon the products.

What recommendations do you have for improving the effectiveness of these four Web sites for marketing purposes?

IKEA's websites could be cleaner, and slightly less wordy, while still conveying the same information. Some of the broader humor from the German page might be visually arresting even in the U.S. portion of its site. ZARA could use more customization and still keep its consistent image and message. It desperately needs a more easily-navigated layout -- it is very easy to get lost on the site. Additionally, the different country sits on ZARA's pages contain few pictures of the clothing, and more images of the latest lines of clothing would attract viewer's attention.


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