Nurses and the Quality of Care Case Study

Total Length: 720 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Nursing Scenario

Over the last 25 years, the delivery of healthcare services is consistently changing. This is from consumers demanding better avenues for receiving them. That is focused decreasing costs and enhancing quality. These problems are directly linked with issues inside a practicum environment. In these situations, nurses are forced to perform a variety of administrative tasks during their shift and are overwhelmed. This means that they do not have the resources or support to improve quality and enhance treatment options. The result is that errors are increasing and more patients are having complications from these issues. Unless some type of drastic action is taken, there is a chance the facility will become involved in medical malpractice litigation and can lose cliental. (Odell, 2009)

Discuss how an understanding of nursing-sensitive indicators could assist the nurses in this case in identifying issues that may interfere with patient care.

Nursing sensitive indicators are looking at any challenges patients will face when they are inside the facility. This can assist nurses in improving quality and teamwork. To deal with them, there needs to be strong leadership and education. This is achieved by discussing these issues with other healthcare professionals and working together as a team to address them. Once this occurs, is when everyone is aware of medical and cultural issues.
This is the point, when these factors will be taken into account as a part of their treatment protocol. (Odell, 2009)

Analyze how hospital data on specific nursing-sensitive indicators (such as incidence of pressure ulcers and prevalence of restraints) could advance quality patient care throughout the hospital.

The current process is unsustainable. In this case, Watson's Theory of Human Caring can be used in correlation with numerous indicators to improve quality (i.e. complications, falls, length of stay, the use of restraints, patient and staff satisfaction). It is focusing on how to increase safety, care and quality. This is accomplished by emphasizing a number of variables in conjunction with each other. The most notable include: cultivating spiritual practicing kindness, being supportive, creating a healing environment, teaching, assisting w the patient and allowing for miracles to occur. In these situations, Watson's theory can become a motto for everyone to follow. This requires monitoring the individual's condition, informing them of their role in the various treatment protocols and decreasing suffering. (Watson, 2009)

It will be applied by demonstrating the way the lack of safety is….....

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