Nursing Ethics Alcohol Consumption Among Essay

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In terms of underage drinking, a nurse can act in a public health manner that identifies circumstances and situations that make a population vulnerable, and take steps to either mitigate those circumstances or educate to prevent them in the first place.

Colleagues -- Nursing is never a field in isolation. Instead, it works with a number of colleagues in various disciplines to support health issues. This would include teachers, school administrators, and members of the retail establishment that all might have an effect on underage drinking and the problems associated. Because nurses are advocates for health, they are often consulted by colleagues. In the reverse, nurses should network and advocate programs that seek to reduce situations that make a population vulnerable -- in this case, the buying and selling of alcohol to the underage; restricting venues in which drinking might be allowed; and working with the community to provide an educational liaison.

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Community -- A community is many things: school, church, economics, entertainment, and more. This cultural based approach to community is an ideal opportunity for a nurse to work within the community to provide educational programs, pamphlets, and non-judgmental means to answer questions teens might have about risky behavior. Even if not solely in the public health arena, a nurse can act through their organizations to develop programs that improve the safety of the population at risk.


Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia. (210). Retrieved August 2010, from Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council:

Drink Too Much, It Gets Ugly. (2010, January). Retrieved August 2010, from Drug & Alcohohol Services of South Australia:

Underage Drinking In Australia. (2005). Retrieved August 2010, from

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