Office Depot Decision Making Process Term Paper

Total Length: 659 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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The reasons for keeping top talent: Mission and vision of the company

"Delivering winning solutions that inspire worklife" is the stated mission of Office Depot. The centrality of acting as a facilitator of the success of others in the company's mission statement is why it is so critical that Office Depot employees understand the needs of customers. Inspiration and winning are important values of the company, not simply making work 'happen.' The company stresses the need to take the everyday nature of the customer's workday to the 'next level' of success and excellence.

Growth of the company and succession

At present, Office Depot an international purveyor of office supply products: its outreach extends as far as the Czech Republic and Japan. The company was incorporated in 1986 and it sells its products through retail stores, as well as online and directly to other enterprises.

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In 2009, Office Depot sold $12.1 billion of products and services to individual consumers and businesses (Company facts, 2010, Office Depot).

Develop future leaders for the organization

Office Depot is still in the process of growing and changing. The modern office, because of the growth of virtual technology, has altered dramatically since the company's birth during the 1980s. Developing future leaders that can use the Internet to sell products and make the company's products and services more innovative and technologically responsive will be a critical aspect of Office Depot's growth and development. As the modern office changes with the times, Office Depot must remain one step ahead of the competition, and its employees must lead the way in actualizing its goals and communicating the company's values to customers......

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