Operations Management. Please PDF Instructions Essay. Operations Essay

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Operations Management. Please PDF instructions essay.

Operations Management

Albatross Anchor's competitiveness

The competitiveness of Albatross Anchor can be assessed from a wide array of angles, including the following most relevant ones:

a) Cost

The cost is similar to that implemented by other anchor manufacturers, as this is imperative to maintain sales. Yet, the real costs encountered by Albatross Anchor are higher than those of its competitors and this is the result of operational inefficiencies.

b) Speed of manufacturing process

The manufacturing process is delayed by the lack of adequate technologies, spaces and facilities, but also by the fact that the company has to continually switch its production lines in order to manufacture both the bell anchor as well as the hook anchor.

c) Flexibility in filling orders

Due to several inefficiencies, the company is only able to manufacture and deliver small product quantities. In case the orders suffer modifications, the company is unable to effectively address them as it is highly inflexible.

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d) Technology

At the technological level, the anchor manufacturer possesses limited financial resources and does not as such afford to integrate the latest technological developments, which would give them a competitive advantage.

e) Capacity and facilities

The capacity is restricted and the facilities are dirty and under-equipped. These two elements once again point out to a reduced competitiveness.

f) Service to customers

Finally, at the level of services to customers, the restricted capabilities and resources also reduce the firm's ability to deliver services to customers, such as on site support, repairs and maintenance.

Question Two: Breakeven analysis

The introduction of a new model of manufacturing is pegged to the analysis of the breakeven points of each individual method. In this case, process A, characterized by a sales price per unit of $35.00, total fixed costs of $500,000 and….....

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