Organizational Stakeholders Over the Last Several Years, Essay

Total Length: 970 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Organizational Stakeholders

Over the last several years, Home Depot has been through a number of different challenges. Part of the reason why this was occurring, is because of shifts in the housing market with consumers dramatically cutting back on their spending. This had a negative impact on the earnings of the company and it has resulted in the former CEO Robert Nardelli being forced to resign. The reason why is because, the needs of various shareholders were not being taken into account. ("Home Depot CEO," 2007) Once this occurred, it meant that there would be new management who were attempting to address all of these different needs. To fully understand how this is taking place requires looking at: the various stakeholders for Home Depot, how the CEO manages the demands of stakeholders and the way they are presently addressing these needs. Once this occurs, it will provide the greatest insights as to the how the company has been adjusting to the various changes that have been taking place. While at the same time, it will highlight the numerous ways they are taking these factors into account.

Who are the various stakeholders for Home Depot?

There are a number of different stakeholders for the company the most notable include: the shareholders, customers, suppliers, communities and employees. The shareholders are considered to be owners of the company who share in the underlying profits of the corporation. The customers play an important role in helping the company to increase their overall bottom line by: choosing to shop at their different retail locations.

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The communities play a major part in Home Depot's success, as they are helping to support the organization through friendly tax policies and with the customers that shop at different retail outlets. The suppliers allow the company to receive a continuous supply of low cost products that they can sell to customers. The employees are helping to ensure that anyone who is shopping at these locations is receiving good service for the products that they are selling. These different elements are significant, because they are highlighting how Home Depot has the ability to meet the demands of all of the stakeholders based upon: the products and services that they are selling. ("Social Responsibility," 2005)

How did this CEO manage the portfolio of stakeholder demands?

At first, Nardelli managed stakeholder demands by helping the company to: increase market share and improve their earnings. This was accomplished through providing customers with the products that they were looking for at the lowest prices. Where, they worked together with their suppliers to achieve these overall objectives. At the same time, they hired many employees from local communities, which created jobs and raised various tax revenues for local governments. The staff played a role in helping the company to be able to offer products and services that were superior to that of competitors. Over the course of time, this helped the….....

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