Perfect Person in the World. Cosmetic Surgery Essay

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perfect person in the world. Cosmetic surgery is used to physically change individuals. I will use cosmetic surgery in an abstract sense to change myself using my imagination.

I watched a movie once that showed how the character of the script used active thinking to imagine the circumstances of her life. She, for instance imagined that late middle-aged person thought she was and mentally handicapped -- she could throw balls in hoops and miss not once. She imagined herself turning into a pianist and imagined perfect relations happening to her. Things occurred to her in a magical way through the medium of her potent imagination. I will do the same.

I will run wild.

I wish to have a large family: let us say 16 brothers and sisters for then I will never be lonely, will forever be invited to family events, will have a lot of people to remember me after my death, and will have many who (hopefully _ I will imagine this too) care for me.

As regards myself: I wish to be a trillionaire (Made-up term -- billion is too little -- I want triple as much).

Stuck Writing Your "Perfect Person in the World. Cosmetic Surgery" Essay?

I would like to be not only the richest person of the world at the current moment but also the wealthiest person who ever lived. I could really change the world with all that money! I would also be able to maintain myself and my large family with that wealth and gain all the respect that I have ever wished for.

I may run for President of the U.S. Wealth is not sufficient. I would wish for fame too and ruling the larege3st and most powerful country in the world sounds like a feasible ambition. I would wish to be constantly popular with the people; to become another Teddy Roosevelt. Yes, the big stick wouldn't hurt…. I wouldn't enter any global campaigns, but if I would need to intervene in any particular international strife I would imagine success.

I would also like to be beautiful, and whilst I am about it I would like to change my sex too. A combination of both genders would not be bad, so that in some settings….....

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