Person As a Born Criminal? Term Paper

Total Length: 1982 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

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As much as 91% of these crimes result in murders. There are some other criminals who are classified as insane criminals and they can be thought to include kleptomaniacs, nymphomaniacs, habitual drunkards and pederasts. These people keep committing the crimes as they are unable to distinguish right from wrong, and it is time that these people are considered to be insane and not considered responsible for their action. But the biggest group of criminals is of four types and the first among them are the non-criminals. They are persons who are forced to kill in self-defense and though they have broken the law, they had no intention of breaking the law, but the circumstances forced them to break the law.

The second group is the epileptic persons who commit crimes by circumstances and they are often known to be very hesitant in their approach to committing crimes. There are also habitual criminals who consider that it is their jobs to commit theft, fraud, arson, forgery and blackmail. These crimes are considered by them to be tools of the trade. The progress in research on the subject was carried on by Garofalo and he wanted the concept of natural crime to go beyond the variations in individuals.
What that means is that acts of crime should not remain dependent on the situation of the crime or be determined by economic or political factors. To achieve this, a judge should use sentiments and not facts to decide which acts are natural. There is also the consideration that all acts are considered to be normal in certain situations or certain periods of history. Thus it is more important to consider whether the act committed is an offense to the moral sentiment of the society, and not only whether the act has been committed or not. At the same time, for any crime to be considered a natural act, the consideration is its position in relation to the society. According to him it is more important to consider the development of criminals. (Biological, Physiological and Bio-Social Theories)


It is clear that there are some 'born criminals' as per the definition that was thought for it, but it is also the responsibility of the society to have laws which stop from the development of more criminals due to vagaries in laws.


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