Philosophy and Goals of a Parochial School Term Paper

Total Length: 354 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+


In order to promote the lofty ideals of the Catholic community, our school must sustain an environment in which Christians and Catholics can forge a solid psychological, social, and spiritual identity. To do so, all instructors and faculty must be aware of the intricacies of modern popular culture so that they can relate to students in a way that is meaningful to them. Curriculum, while solidly traditional, must reflect the changing needs of the social, cultural, and psychological identities of the students. To fulfill this goal, teachers need to be hired according to rigorous standards: regardless of age or gender all teachers must prove that they can relate meaningfully to the students they are teaching.

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Furthermore, we must stimulate students by providing opportunities for self-expression, creative thinking, problem solving, and aesthetic appreciation. We can accomplish these goals through field trips relevant to a particular subject matter. For instance, the class can travel to an art museum to learn about painting or to a science museum to learn about the practical application of science. We can also….....

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