Police Strategies Term Paper

Total Length: 1955 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1+

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Police Programs and Strategies between New York and Los Angeles Police Department

For the past decade, the prevalence of deaths caused by crimes and other crime-related activities in the society has increased. Especially with the increasing development of weaponry, strategies, and prevalence of drug addiction, the occurrence of crime in the America society has been one of the primary concerns of most police enforcers and the government in the present time. New York and Los Angeles are examples of cities wherein the occurrence of crime and other offenses against the law and society are prevalent. This paper will discuss the police programs and strategies and crime statistics of the New York and Los Angeles Police Departments, and analyze each department's effectiveness in combating crime an offenses caused by the criminals and delinquents of the society. In relation to the analyses of both departments' police programs, this paper will also study if both have been involved in serious allegations about any occurrences of police brutality and corruption to the offenders and to the people the police officers are responsible to.

The first analysis will involve the programs formulated and implemented in the New York Police Department. In the course of the researcher's study, there has been no sources found that can provide a historical trend that analyzes and studies the crime and arrest statistics of the NYPD, although the department's online website has a detailed listings and information about the programs that have been implemented and ongoing in the department's operations and services to the people of New York. The NYPD web site offered numerous programs and guidelines for the people to have sufficient knowledge about basic civilian actions that an individual can do and commit during times of grave danger, or just plain information about how the NYPD operates within its jurisdiction (New York).

One of the primary sections of the site s its Crime Prevention Section, wherein the said program was specifically organized by the NYPD to support its crime-preventing strategies against criminals and possible offenders. The Crime Prevention Section is divided into several other special programs, and these programs include the following: the security surveys, lectures, the Child Crime Prevention Program, Crime Prevention Programs, and free security services for the people of New York. Basically, the Crime Prevention Section was conceived for the goal of preventing crime in New York, and providing services, lectures, assistance, and "administration of crime prevention programs" that will "reduce fear and perception of crime by making citizens and businesses a part of he solution" (NYC Web site 2003).

For the past decade, various programs have been made to ensure the people that their security is guaranteed by the NYPD, but few of these programs have been significant and useful to the NYPD and the people of New York to be considered as effective and worthy programs of the department. The programs that have been classified as effective to the department and New Yorkers are those projects and programs under the umbrella of Crime Prevention Section. The first program under the CPS is the security survey program. This program is popular in New York, because this service concerns the provision of "confidential, in-depth written report that evaluates the existing security and procedures of a premise." The security survey includes the checking of the alarm systems and security devices of private homes ad business and corporate facilities, and providing a report on the vulnerabilities and defects in the alarm and security systems of those who sought the department's expertise. The security survey program is a free service to the people of New York, and this program is an extremely popular program in New York, especially since major businesses and working families are settled in this city, making their corporate/business facilities and private homes vulnerable to the dangers of theft, robbery, and even death-causing crimes by offenders in the city. Aside from security surveys, the NYPD also provides free lectures to people for information and announcements on special programs and projects of the Department, such as educational lectures on recent crimes in the city, and informing the people about the crime patterns and ways to prevent people from encountering such unfortunate events in their homes and public places. Thus, lectures administered by the NYPD are primarily one of the department's security measures to prevent the occurrence of crimes to their people, that is, by offering New York citizens' with safety measures and guidelines on what to do during times of danger or insecurity whether they are at home or in a public place.

Another important program of the NYPD is the Child Crime Prevention Program, also dubbed as the McGruff Program, named after Officer McGruff, which is the NYPD's "mascot" and primary figure in promoting the department's efforts and programs regarding crime prevention and safety among the inhabitants of New York. The McGruff Program is similar to a 'primer' on crime prevention and safety, and Officer McGruff offers preventive measures to the people regarding certain situations, such as safety tips for women, property, automobiles, taxi drivers, park enthusiasts, and visitors to the city. The McGruff program is one of NYPD's successful programs against combating crime and preventing insecurity and destabilization of the peace of New York residents and inhabitants. Through Officer McGruff, NYPD has managed to reach-out to its people regarding its programs, especially in informing them about specific and significant issues that are presently in operation and occurrence in New York.

Aside from the security survey and McGruff programs, NYPD has also implemented for the past decade various 'sub-programs' under the Crime Prevention Program. These sub-programs have been formulated and implemented in order to deal with less major offenses, such as theft and physical assault that happens almost everyday in New York. These sub-programs are the following: Operation ID, Combat Auto Theft (CAT), Commuter Combat Auto Theft (C-CAT), Help End Auto Theft (HEAT), Taxi/Livery Robbery Inspection Program (TRIP), Bike Registration, and Vin Etching. These programs were organized to prevent the occurrence of theft and assault on the streets and on the persons of New Yorkers themselves. Operation ID aims to prevent the sale and profit that a thief can get from a stolen property by permanently engraving an ID on a valuable property so that in the event that a valuable object was stolen, sale of the said stolen property would be impossible and difficult for the thief/robber. The CAT and C-CAT programs, meanwhile, aim to prevent car and auto-theft, which are proliferating and prevalent in New York. Also, the robbery inspection program prevents further harm that can be potentially done by robbers after robbing a transport vehicle like taxis. The Bike Registration program is also an effective way to prevent bike theft by providing an ID on the said object, making it easier for tracking of the rue owner of the bicycle, and to discourage thieves from stealing registered bikes in the area of New York. The Vin Etching program, similarly, is another way to prevent auto theft, especially valuable parts found in the automobile's interior. It is evident that through these sub-programs, combating petty crimes such as auto/bike theft and possible assault on theft/robbery victims will be effectively prevented as a result of these preventive measures conceived through the programs of the New York Police Department.

The Los Angeles Police Department, meanwhile, has a wholly different approach in combating crime and offenses to the state law and society compared to the NYPD. The LAPD, instead of outlining all of the programs it utilizes to prevent the occurrence of crime in the city of Los Angeles, instead informs people with crime and arrest statistics, which is their way of informing the people about their performance for the past year. LAPD's crime prevention programs are similar to NYPD's objectives, but they differ in scope, since Los Angeles tackles a much more different kind of crime offenses as compared to New York. While New York concerns itself particularly with auto/bike theft and minor cases of assault, Los Angeles treats crime in their city caused not only by petty thefts and assaults, but also on crimes related to racial discrimination and prejudice, primarily because Los Angeles is home for millions of immigrants from the Asian region. Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, and other nationalities can be found in the city of Los Angeles, and the prevalence of hate crimes is ever increasing in a place wherein racial and cultural diversity is also profound. Programs such as the prevention of hate crimes against Asian immigrants and other non-American people and citizens of Los Angeles are the major programs implemented by the LAPD. Although LAPD lacks he informative and conceptual frameworks of its crime prevention programs (as compared to the informative web site of NYPD), LAPD illustrates its performance by posting their accomplishments and performance in their site in order for the people to be informed on how crime as been prevalent or disintegrating in Los Angeles for the past decade. An informative source is LAPD's year-end reports….....

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