Polluting Coal Used in Electricity Production Essay

Total Length: 525 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Context Of Electricity Production

There is much controversy in the contemporary society with regard to global warming, its causes, and the effects it is going to have on the planet. Greenhouse gasses emitted throughout recent centuries are believed to have seriously accelerated the global warming process, as they accumulate in the atmosphere and destroy the ozone layer to the point where it is no longer able to properly protect the planet's surface from dangerous radiations. The U.S. Government and EPA's decision to place restrictions on the type of fuels used to create electricity comes as a response to companies expressing more interest in increasing profits than in reducing the amounts of greenhouse gasses they produce.

The masses are likely to disagree with the fact that the authorities impose laws that are probable to increase the cost of their electricity bills. However, this is because a great deal of people has a limited understanding of the effects that the burning of certain fuels have on the environment. These people are thus unable to think about the issue in the long run and focus on the present and on their current finances. If they were to gain a more complex understanding of the degree to which the planet is likely to change in future years as a result of high energy consumption they would probably be more concerned in the well-being of the planet.

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There are currently a series of new ways to produce electricity by emitting lower amounts of fossil fuels. "Natural gas emits 50 to 60% less carbon dioxide (CO2) when combusted in a new, efficient natural gas power plant compared with emissions from a typical new coal plant." (Environmental Impacts of Natural Gas) However, in most cases this would also involve greater costs, with the masses being left with the option to choose between paying more for the same amounts of electrical power they were consuming before. People find it difficult to understand why they should pay more when they are getting what they perceive as the same thing.

The fact that influential agencies pressure electric companies to introduce less polluting fuels without also investing heavily in educating the masses with regard to the attitudes they need to take toward global warming leads to them receiving a reduced amount of support from the general public.

All things considered, electric power is currently one of….....

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