Precautions an Individual Could Take to Ensure

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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precautions an individual could take to ensure that he or she remained safe during an outbreak of cholera. There are basic sanitary precautions that individuals should implement to ensure that they remain healthy during such an outbreak that largely stems from people interacting with bacteria transmittable through feces. The most immediate of these pertains to remaining hydrated, since cholera can become fatal when individuals are plagued by diarrhea that is unusually watery. During a cholera outbreak, people should immediately begin taking oral rehydration solution, since "it can save your life" (CDC, date).

In terms of additional hydra care, it is vital that individuals remain hydrated by continuing to intake water. However, it is best to ensure that such water is actually purified. People should use purified water to drink, cook with, clean, and take care of their other basic hygienic needs -- such as brushing their teeth. Options for purifying water include boiling it for a minimum of a minute prior to removing it from heat. Other sanitary measures include frequently washing one's face and face to ensure that they are clean, especially when around infected areas. Purified water should be used with soap to accomplish this objective. When using the bathroom, it is vital to utilize standard toilets and latrines if they are available.

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If not, people should take care to avoid defecating near any sort of water which might be contaminated. An alternative for defacating when there is not a sanitized toilet available is to bury feces so its germs do not spread. Finally, people should ensure that they get vaccinated as quickly as possible since, "there are two oral cholera vaccines available, Dukoral (manufactured by SBL Vaccines) which is World Health Organization (WHO) prequalified and licensed in over 60 countries, and Shanchol" (CDC, 2013).

If I had to explain the real cause of John's acne and of acne in general to Aunt Jane, I would begin by telling her that there are, of course, hair follicles on people's faces. Additionally, I would impress upon her that such hair follicles are often found on the back and the neck area. When these hair follicles get clogged up with oil and dirt, the body in turn produces acne through a series of processes. The hair follicle that is clogged will eventually sell up and break, unleashing all of the pent up oil, dirt, and noxious bacteria that….....

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