Psychology and Physiological Aspects of Substance Abuse Term Paper

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danger signals of drug abuse and how can they be used to identify possible abusers?

There can be various danger signals that may indicate the possibility of substance abuse in individuals. These signals will obviously appear in a variety of contexts and situations but the following are generally accepted as the most common indicators.

One of the most common signs is a radical change in behavior, especially in a formal or work situation where the individual, for example, shows a marked change in work quality or production. This can also be related to changes in personality and is even seen in outbreaks of temper or depression. The drug user also tends to shirk responsibilities.

The deterioration of personal grooming and general physical appearance may also be another danger signal. Intravenous drug users often wear long sleeved garments even in very warm weather to hide signs of their addiction. There may also be more subtle signs that indicate a change from previous patters of behavior. For example, if someone suddenly starts stealing or breaking various laws, this could be seen as an indication of a possible substance abuse problem. Secretive behavior is another sign to look out for. In discussing these signs it should always be borne in mind that many of these symptoms may also be indicative of problems other that substance abuse -- such as social or psychological stress.

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These signs are helpful however in that if attention is focused on these warning symptoms then the addiction may be discovered and dealt with before it reaches a more difficult stage. Parents and educators in particular, by being alert to these common signals and especially to radical changes of behavior in their children and students, may be able to intervene at an early stage of the drug abuse and therefore stop more serious addiction problems later on.

2. What is the relationship between drug abuse and AIDS, including both how drugs may spread the disease directly and how drug abuse may leave the individual vulnerable to infection both physically and psychologically?

Since the late 1980's there has been a strong correlation between HIV / AIDS sufferers and active or former drug users -- particularly with regard to those taking drugs via injections. The link between intravenous drug users and AIDS is estimated to affect one third of the total AIDS population in the United States. (Hsu J.H.) This correlation is related to the fact that drugs taken by injection can also spread the HIV virus through the exchange of blood and through shared or dirty needles. Another aspect is that there are often multiple injection partners.

However, the lifestyle followed by….....

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