Public Relation Is an Important Element That Term Paper

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Public relation is an important element that can lead a business or a career to success. Public relation is a form of communication that harmoniously allows the connection and involvement to other business elements, can be another business organization or another business partner. An effective public relation is in fact being used as a mode of enhancing an individual's, or an organization's, business relationship to others.

One example of an effective use of public relation is in the area of marketing. To be able to gain recognition to many customers or business partners, a good business relationship must be established between parties to build trust and confidence. This establishment of good business relationship can be achieved through an effective public relation that is exercised and demonstrated by an organization.

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For instance, in marketing, one way to establish this is by focusing on the elements that will provide benefits to customers.

Another example where public relation must be effective is during elections (although it must be noted that a good public relation must be always maintained by a public official). It is essential that an individual who runs for a government position must possess the skills and the heart of delivering a good public relation. This is because those candidates who establish a good relationship with people are those that are being remembered by voters. Moreover, a good public relation that is maintained throughout a public official's term….....

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