Reign of King Henry VIII Term Paper

Total Length: 1575 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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and, fundamentally, More's choice was the right one, not because he ascribed to any of these moral beliefs, but because he attempted to remain true to himself. Although utilitarianism may provide us with the tools to actually make choices in most situations, these choices would not satisfy the moral demands of most individuals. Meanwhile, attempting to live life by a finite set of rules can often leave individuals in logical dilemmas. Furthermore, both of these all-encompassing moral schemes for choosing appropriate actions suffer from the fact that life occurs at a pace that rarely allows us to sit back and objectively calculate the logical and physical consequences of everything we do. Fundamentally, this is way most real human beings tend to choose their actions based upon their own, personal set of virtue-ethics.

Of course, this is despite the fact that virtue ethics -- as first fully developed by Plato and then Aristotle -- suffers from problems associated with the immediacy of action, unforeseen consequences, and the narrow scope of its subjective and individualistic concerns. Still, virtue ethics tend to be more fluid than the blanket moral codes of Mill and Kant. They are more situational, and they permit the individual actor to make choices based more upon who he believes himself to be, more than how he believes the world should be. In this way, although virtue ethics may be incapable of presenting a coherent or logical framework within which to operate, they tend to apply to real-life situations more easily and help people to reach decisions that they….....

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