Revolutionary War Although the Ideology Term Paper

Total Length: 313 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 0

The idea that all human beings were born equal and that as equals and that all had equal rights flew in the face of traditional social norms. In the Old World, social hierarchies determined political and economic status. In the New World, citizens at least had the opportunity to participate in town meetings. The newly bestowed rights and freedoms were not universal, however. Slaves and women were both excluded from the political process, stripped of the liberties granted to white males.

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Moreover, the revolution proposed a new form of republican government that was "by the people." The Greeks had practiced a democratic form of government but the Americans extended Hellenistic ideas by fusing them with Enlightenment theory. The Revolutionary War did alter the political landscape of the New World. Rather than be governed from beyond as a colony, the United States asserted its right to self-government......

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