Role of Regional Planning in Research Proposal

Total Length: 2337 words ( 8 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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However, the issue of informal settlement, which includes squatter areas, cannot be overlooked, as it is a common problem especially in developing countries. These forms of settlement are more prone to both the natural and human disasters, which deny the people living in those areas their rights as human beings. Poor regional planning is to blame for this, and it is for this reason that the study seeks to find out how regional planning can be used to curb these problems and why it has been difficult to do so.

Purpose Statement

The purpose for carrying out this study is to get an understanding of the role of regional planning in disaster management through re-planning of disaster prone squatter regions. The research paper will center on identifying the way in which modern technologies can be applied to come up with solutions that are lasting and helpful. The case study will be conducted in three urban areas in Saudi Arabia in areas where there are squatter regions. The sample will comprise 50 residents in squatter regions, 10 city dwellers who are not necessarily residents of squatter areas, 3 staffs at the regional planning headquarters, 3 local government officials, and 6 administrators at the regional planning offices in the towns under investigation. Independent response of the research population sample is fundamental in understanding the role that regional planning should play in the management of disasters and its usefulness in addressing disasters that are as a result of squatter settlement in Saudi Arabia

Research Questions

The questions that follow will guide this study. By the researcher answering these two questions, the study will have addressed the dilemma cited in the problem statement and at the same time achieved the purpose of the study:

1). How can regional planning be applied through re-planning of squatter regions by remote sensing in disaster management in Saudi Arabia?

2). How is regional planning useful to Saudi Arabia in managing natural and human disasters in squatter areas?

3). what challenges face the regional planning process in its bid to manage both the natural and human disasters that affect squatter areas?

For this study, the researcher will use the analysis of relationships techniques to find out the relationship between the role of regional planning and the challenges that they face in disaster management in squatter areas.

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The measure of strength of the relationship between the two variables will be calculated by finding the Pearson product moment, r, which should be between -1 and +1 (Wang and Vom Hofe, 2007). The correlation coefficient will be the relationship between the Pearson product moment and the linear relationship. The sign of the correlation coefficient has an implication on the direction of the relationship. A negative sign implies that with the increase in the number of one variable is associated with a decrease of the other variable. On the other hand, a zero value shows that there is no linear correlation between the two variables (Wang and Vom Hofe, 2007). A positive sign indicates that a change of one variable is associated with a similar change of the other variable. This statistical analysis method is the best to use to analyze data in the study.


Guided by the research questions, the research hopes to find out whether regional planning has a critical role to play in addressing the issue of both natural and human disasters in areas inhabited by squatters. The retort from interviews with the regional planning administrators will provide an excellent array of data that can be used for its qualitative and quantitative significance. A clear insight into the factors that hinder disaster management in squatter areas will, in addition offer a fine insight into the importance of applying technology in re-planning of areas that are prone to disasters in order to come up with valid and lasting solutions......

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