The Role of Technology I The Development of Television and Motion Pictures Essay

Total Length: 951 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Television's Relationship to Science and Technology

Scientific knowledge has led to the development of machinery, and equipment among other provision of technology. Notably, computer technology is a product of scientific knowledge: the advancement of the science and the engineering knowledge has led to the increase in the practical application of knowledge. As a result, the technology has continued to advance leading innovation and modernization. Television is a product of scientific knowledge and thus led to the transmission of knowledge of science from one region to another. Television has had gradual improvement in different time. For example, in the ancient time, the transmission of news and entertainment was limited and only in the black and white. As seen in the modern society, television has advanced from black and white images to colored photographic images (Williams, 1974). The improvement in the mode of transmission of images is a sign of technology. Additionally, television has made it possible for the transfer of culture and different kinds of technological knowledge from one region to another. This study seeks to explain the relationship between the technical research in science and technology and television

Television is a product of knowledge of science and technical research. Notably, the use of television in the modern society covers various parts of the globe. It is a means through which the news, the entertainment is transmitted from one region to another.

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However, the use of television is not a one-day discovery but a gradual improvement and combination of thoughts from the early scientist. Ideally, television combined the knowledge of photography, motion of pictures radio, telegraphy and the development of electricity. Television was separated from another technology. For example, the increase in the knowledge of the motion of pictures, the invention of cameras with high megapixels results in the invention of television (Dick, 1982). Ideally, the development in television is a combination of knowledge of research from the different scientist. It is clear that the discovery of magnetism, the electricity, and the photography is the knowledge from the different technical research. The 1800-1830s was the period of inventions and the application of the knowledge of electromagnetic inductions. The knowledge of electromagnetic induction was instrumental in the development of television. For this reason, television is a product of technical research from the different scientist (Williams, 1974).

Television is a product of photography and the light writing. The development of photography in 1802 is one the stages that contribute the discovery and invention of television. In the era, the idea of the camera was functional and thus the contribution by Davy and Wedgewood in photography was significant. The knowledge of photography in the age was an improvement to the performance of the camera. The….....

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