423 Search Results for Psychotherapy Theories and Practice of Counseling and

Dance Therapy to Help an Term Paper

" Suzi Tortora, Ed.D.,a certified movement analyst and dance therapist contends that when a parent or caregiver understands his/her child's nonverbal expressions, he can more effectively help them improve their socialization, as well as manage their Continue Reading...

Black's Law Dictionary (1991), Child Essay

Moreover, it is unclear whether Jim has attempted to reestablish any meaningful contact with his children; rather, his entire focus has been on becoming a better person. While there is certainly nothing wrong with that goal in and of itself (it is, Continue Reading...

Coaching Human Resource Development -- Essay

Coaching usually begins after a worker has received basic employee training. At this point, a supervisor assumes the role of a coach to assist the employees in employing as well as maintaining the skills that they have learnt. Both coaching and ment Continue Reading...

Final Project Family Essay

Family Project The Jacques family seems to have functioned very well until the husband began abusing drugs and alcohol. This was a problem before, but things have stabilized when the appropriate help was obtained. The relapse occurred directly after Continue Reading...

CSA Child Sexual Abuse is Thesis

Rankin (2003) affirmed that the purpose of art therapy is to address the major affects of trauma on the child's life. Additionally, Rankin (2003) stated that art interventions begin with self-management, then proceed with safety planning, telling th Continue Reading...

Solution Focused Brief Therapy

Solution-Focused Therapy The author of this paper is about to offer a brief literature review of what has come to be known as solution-focused therapy. Included in that literature review will be several specific topics or examples that are within th Continue Reading...