533 Search Results for Palliative Care

Do Not Resuscitate Orders Term Paper

Deontology and DNR: Addressing the Issue Introduction Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders are an issue for a number of care providers in hospitals, especially those who work within the context of hematology and oncology care. As Weissman (1999) notes, DN Continue Reading...

Performance Measures Reimbursement Essay

Link Between Performance Measures and Reimbursement Quality performance measures are critical and used for various purposes in the healthcare field including regulation, surveillance, and clinical care improvement (Adirim et al., 2017). The existing Continue Reading...

Characteristics of Pain Research Paper

Perception of Pain Uses of Pain in nursing Definitions of Pain from Dictionaries Uses of Pain in psychology Defining attributes Model case Related Case Contrary Case Antecedents and Consequences CONCEPT ANALYSIS OF PERCEPTION OF PAIN The a Continue Reading...

Avian Flu Avian Influenza: If Term Paper

In the event of such an epidemic, it is reasonable to assume that public health departments will be pressed to find ways to maintain their services even when employees are ill, normal supply chains are disrupted, and the nation's infrastructure is Continue Reading...

Life Support or Death with Dignity Essay

Life Support vs. Dignity A decision is complicated not just by the people affected by it, but also by the people making the decision. For health care professionals, decision making is usually complex because of their role in providing care to patien Continue Reading...

Lit Review of Elderly Dementia Term Paper

Cognitive Disorder in Elderly Cognitive Disorders in Elderly Sachiko Furuya Cognitive Assessment & Lab Kris Thomas, PhD The research of this study is related to cognitive, dementia, Alzheimer disease, and depression issues with the elderly p Continue Reading...

Learning Needs Annotated Bibliography

Lsa Cunningham, D. & Kelly, D. (2005). The evaluation of multiprofessional learning needs assessment tool. Education for Primary Care 2005, 16. 547-55. This article argued for the need to evaluate the evaluation methods for needs assessment wi Continue Reading...

Nursing Retention Term Paper

Motivation as a Factor in Nurse Retention The decreasing recruitment and retention of nurses throughout the United States and internationally is a growing concern that must be addressed and remedied. As front-line workers, nurses play an integral ro Continue Reading...

Triage Ventilators Ethics Essay

First Discussion Post ResponseI agree that age alone is not an appropriate method of triaging patients. Comorbidities, as you note, are also an important component of this. An additional observation is the fact that the use of a ventilator itself can Continue Reading...

Sciatica Research Paper

Causes and Treatments for Sciatica One of the harsh realities of the frail human condition is the fact that most people will suffer from some degree of low back pain at some point in their lives. Even people with relatively sedentary lifestyle can ex Continue Reading...

Breast-Cancer-and-Space Essay

Pleural Effusion in Children -- An Overview Pleural Effusion is a disease resulting from excess production of fluids or a decrease in absorption or in some instances both thereby leading to an abnormal collection of fluids in the pleural space. It i Continue Reading...

Moves on for Baba & Amir In Essay

Moves on for Baba & Amir In the novel, the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, a strained relationship between father and son spans nearly a lifetime from Afghanistan to America. From the beginning, their interactions are sown with seeds of guilt, Continue Reading...

Right to Life - Terri Thesis

On this matter, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi stated, "Congressional leaders have no business substituting their judgment for that of multiple state courts that have extensively considered the issues in this intensely personal family matter." Continue Reading...

Assisted Suicide Debate Research Paper

Assisted Suicide: The DebateBrittany Maynards 2015 video posted by the British newspaper The Guardian is heartbreaking testimony to the intelligence and the forethought this young woman placed into her decision to request life-ending medication. It h Continue Reading...

Hydrocodone As a Painkiller Essay

Hydrocodone: An overview of a highly addictive drug If you have ever had a cough and taken over-the-counter medications, you know sometimes Tylenol and gargling with salt water is not enough to alleviate the discomfort and the nagging unpleasantness Continue Reading...

Interventions for Prostate Cancer Essay

Prostate cancer is regarded as the most common cancer among men and contributes to annual deaths of approximately 29,000 people in the United States. Actually, it is estimated that close to 60% of elderly men in the United States are suffering from p Continue Reading...

Rights of Children Term Paper

Child Rights Children's Rights What are the main debates on equality on the MDGs post 2015, and how is this important for the children's well-being? There are many debatable items and priorities that are associated the ongoing efforts in the 2015 Continue Reading...


According to Freud, human societies require people to give up many of their most natural instincts and to replace their natural desires with the need to satisfy the "false standards of measurement" such as the "power, success and wealth [that they Continue Reading...