1000 Search Results for Philosophy of Social Work in

Kant Camus Kant and Camus Essay

If Kant's points are to be assimilated when adopting a moral stance which is consistent with man's dignity, such absolute terms are inevitably defined by dominant social structures, bringing us to the application of a normative theoretical structure Continue Reading...

Kierkegaard Vs. Camus In the Essay

If dread enters as the knowledge that there is no knowledge from which to derive a decision, yet decision is all there is, then we reach a complicated idea of what comprises the individual. If there were a concrete and appreciable version of each pe Continue Reading...

Plato's Republic: Unjust To Humanity Thesis

In his model, Plato is therefore unjust. Just as his social and political arrangement of a city is inappropriate for humans, so too is his argument for the humans in that political and social arrangement. Most of his arguments for the individuals i Continue Reading...

Martin Luther King's Letter from Essay

This aspect of the letter is incredibly important because King does not want to appear to be irrational to his opponents. One of the logical appeals King makes in his letter revolves around the issue of just and unjust laws. In his opinion, the off Continue Reading...

Catalog of Earthly Wonders, Only Term Paper

The Mayans believed that a land called Mu once existed above the waves and that when that civilization fell below the surface, the survivors created the Mayan people (Hancock, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization 73). In their creatio Continue Reading...

Hobbes and Rousseau Term Paper

Hobbes and Rousseau The notion of the social contract -- the concept that human society is fundamentally a human construct -- originated in seventeenth-century European thought and was developed throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, r Continue Reading...

Education and Proper Behavior for Term Paper

He believed, a bit more than Sophocles, that through behavior, humans can actually change fate. Fate does control, yes, but only punishes those who fly in the face of all that is just and divine. For instance, Plato would agree with Sophocles that F Continue Reading...

Propaganda It is Hard to Ignore the Essay

Propaganda It is hard to ignore the large influence and wide scoping effects propaganda and all of its branches have produced within the last 100 years. Propaganda is the suggestive information designed to influence the minds and emotional attitudes Continue Reading...

Science Making Us More Ignorant, Essay

In other words, scientific realism says that science can find the truth about everything (Erickson, 2005, 58-60). Conversely, if there is realism, there must follow anti-realism which, in science, means that there are certain unobservable, and ther Continue Reading...

Sir Francis Bacon and "Help Research Paper

Thou shalt keep them, 0 Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever." Conceptually, the poem has four separate stanzas, each with the rhyme scheme of ababcdc. It is structured in the form of the Shakespearean or Elizabethan sonnet. Continue Reading...

Aristotle's Ideas and Thoughts on Essay

Both of these are thus translated through Aristotle's health component in his enumeration of elements that could make a person happy. One's health will be affected if the toilets at work are dirty, as well as if the working conditions do not ensure Continue Reading...

Plato What is the Problem Term Paper

Using the ring of Gyges as his 'proof,' he finds the last reason to be the most persuasive. What Socrates definition of justice in the state is as found in Book IV? Compare the parts of the just state to the parts of the just soul. Describe the vir Continue Reading...

Group Decision Making The Costs Term Paper

While allowing an authoritarian voice to hold final sway over what is done may be least desirable, it may be necessary in a very spread-out group with many areas of expertise, or if the leader bears the brunt of the responsibility for the project an Continue Reading...

Children Who Liked Getting Sent Term Paper

A got where I am today also because of the inspiration and support of those around me. I have been lucky enough to have friends and family members who have recognized my strengths and prodded me to maximize my talents by taking certain courses in s Continue Reading...

Owns Ideas: Case Study The Term Paper

" (Hesse, 2002) This clearly shows that ideas are fruits of collective labor. This is a process in which society has contributed in one way or another thus any one firm or person cannot expect to be granted exclusive rights to ideas. Ideas are thus m Continue Reading...

Literature Theory Term Paper

Plato, Marx, And Critical Thought David Richter's book is absolutely indispensable, as it is one of the few anthologies willing to acknowledge the existence of and include well-chosen examples from the long history of critical thought and how it hel Continue Reading...

Aristophanes Clouds Term Paper

repeatedly, and indeed many of us believe to be true, that there is nothing new under the sun, it is nevertheless always a little startling to find that issues that we consider to be thoroughly modern have in fact been being discussed for thousands Continue Reading...


Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred…We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into phy Continue Reading...

Foucault and the Current Discourse Essay

Paul Patton (1998) maintains, "in this manner, the ways in which certain human capacities become identified and finalized within particular forms of subjectivity the ways in which power creates subjects may also become systems of domination (71). F Continue Reading...

Decisions in Paradise -- Part Term Paper

These two techniques of reflexive and logic-reasoning are very effective in creating consensus and insight form multiple decision makers over time (Muller, Turner, 2010). In the long-term, this technique of decision making and the involvement of the Continue Reading...

President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Essay

Indeed, arguably he is playing a little loose with the terms here, for persuasion, while it may be based on logic, is rarely simply logic. Rather it is logic combined with at least a coating of emotion. In the following passage toward the end of hi Continue Reading...

Mill Place Any Limits on Term Paper

Every act happens at some time and in some place, and in like manner every act that we do either does or may affect both ourselves and others." Still others try to rebuff these objections, clarifying self-regarding acts and other-regarding acts. Continue Reading...

Plato and Aristotle Are Arguably Essay

Finally, Socrates comes to the idea of knowledge as true judgment accompanied by "an account," meaning evidence or reason. In this context, knowledge would mean not only believing something true, but also having a reasonable justification for that b Continue Reading...

Winston and 1984 Liberation from Essay

His sexual liberation is viewed as a step toward liberation from the Party because it is a step back toward human nature and real human ideals like Truth and Beauty -- remnants of a Past, which the Party attempts to subvert and/or erase. Winston be Continue Reading...

Turning off the Brain is No Easy Essay

Turning off the brain is no easy task. It seems that once we think about not thinking, our brains travel in every possible direction at once and we are bombarded with a series of thoughts that may or may not have a common thread. Therefore, it might Continue Reading...

Human Enterprise The Human Side Article

Ego Needs: McGregor makes a similar point where individual ego needs are concerned. Quite certainly, all personnel like to know that their work, efforts and particular skills are being appreciated. McGregor points out that this dimension represent Continue Reading...