126 Search Results for Alternative Punishment for a Population of Inmates

Analyzing Capital Punishment Issues Essay

Capital Punishment Solitary confinement represents one among the best means of keeping modern-day prisoners from communication and conflict, but has the most injurious effects on their health. Individuals imprisoned in conditions of solitary confine Continue Reading...

Women at Five State Prison Term Paper

5%, compared to 4.8% for males). (Chesney-Lind, 1998, p. 66) The author also re-confirms the fact that data regarding of female inmate's indicate that as cited the passage of increased penalties for drug offenses has certainly been a major factor in Continue Reading...

Perspectives of Crime in the US Essay

Sociology of Crime Sociologists claim that crime is a social construction The term "crime" refers to various forms of misconduct that are forbidden by the law (Eglin & Hester, 2013). There are different justifications as to shy sociologists cl Continue Reading...

History Of Parole The Philosophy Book Report

Ladow. Similar boards were provisioned for federal prisons not in the penitentiary category. Each prison was also provided with a parole officer to supervise parolees during their community corrections phase. Inmates became eligible for parole after Continue Reading...

Death Penalty The United States Term Paper

Murder cannot be a decried and yet practiced by the same entity without being hypocritical. Innumerable individuals on death row have been wrongfully convicted due to any number of reasons. The appeals of death row inmates sometimes never get heard. Continue Reading...

Death Penalty Costs Capstone Project

Enforce the Death Penalty for Murders Over a Life Sentence Cover Letter This paper addresses the question: Is it more cost effective to enforce the death penalty for murders over a life sentence? Several topics will be covered such as why it could Continue Reading...

Justice Crime and Ethics Research Paper

Justice, Crime and Ethics Prepping the President: Ethical Analysis and Future Policy Initiatives Suggesting the Use of Rehabilitation in Corrections The President of the United States has just scheduled a town hall meeting entitled, "Criminal Just Continue Reading...

Cost of Justice Term Paper

Justice The objective of this study to is examine the expenditures on corrections at the state and federal level and perform a cost benefit analysis of the modern American conception of justice. Justice -- What Is It? Justice is many things to ma Continue Reading...

Human Rights Violations of Migrant Thesis

They worked in agriculture, fishing and fish processing and small-scale manufacturing firms in Thailand. Thailand is also a major destination for cross-border trafficked women and children in the Mekong region. Records showed that more than 1 millio Continue Reading...

Nation is One with Finite Research Paper

However, with this mandatory sentence comes seemingly excessive punishments for being afflicted with a real disease. These types of solutions to the drug problem in the United States fail entirely to grasp drug problems as a real medical issue and t Continue Reading...

Prison Rape Elimination Act Term Paper

Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 Supreme Court has held that deliberate indifference to the substantial risk of sexual assault violates inmates' rights under the Cruel and Unusual Punishments Clause of the 8th Amendment to the Constitution. In re Continue Reading...

Corrections - Criminal Justice Issues Essay

3. How well can community sanctions serve the purposes of criminal punishment? The degree to which community sanctions serve the purposes of criminal punishment depend largely on the underlying philosophy of criminal punishment in society. Specifi Continue Reading...

United States Has the Highest Rate of Essay

United States has the highest rate of confinement of prisoners per 100,000 population than any other Western country. Analyze this phenomena and discuss actions that you feel are necessary to combat this problem. The United States currently has the Continue Reading...

Healthcare in the Prison System Term Paper

Data Analysis Procedures In what way(s) are the data analysis procedures appropriate for the data collected? A number of qualitative researchers have advanced comparable data collection approaches for qualitative data, and the author relied on the Continue Reading...