124 Search Results for Alternative Punishment for a Population of Inmates

Crimes Receive the Death Penalty? Term Paper

This solution is applied, expressly or tacitly all over the world. The usual alternative for extremely serious crimes remain life imprisonment. However, "although nearly all member states [of the EU] provide for this type of punishment in their res Continue Reading...

Recidivism Rates and Causes Research Paper

Recidivism Rates and Causes The objective of this research is to examine recidivism rates and causes for recidivism. According to the work of Moak, Lawry, and Webber (2007) "The United States prison system is one of the worst prison systems in the w Continue Reading...

Politician to Use in His Term Paper

While it is true that American prisons and jails are overcrowded the answer is not to let out the violent offenders. These offenders need to receive nationally standardized sentencing and the sentences need to be longer than they currently are. Thi Continue Reading...

Death Penalty & Race in Term Paper

" This article puts forward the notion that when analyzing the "...relationships between minority groups and mainstream populations," the issue of whether the use of "formal control is applied fairly and consistently between these different groups" Continue Reading...

California Three Strike Law Term Paper

legislation, lawmakers need to focus on the public good, the possible repercussions of their actions, and most importantly, the "fairness" of their legislation. These three tenets seem to have been disregarded when California passed its 3-strikes la Continue Reading...

Police Corrupted Research Paper

Course Number Police Corruption A Problem with the law Name [Date] Summary This paper will focus specifically on police corruption and the ways in which to lessen and decrease instances of police corruption. The first section includes an introducti Continue Reading...

American Corrections Term Paper

American Corrections The statistics about imprisoned Americans in jails of local, state, and federal prisons and juvenile detention centers reveals a growth from 1,319,000 numbers in 2002 to 2,166,260 in 2002. During the year 2003 has seen the faste Continue Reading...

Sociology Is the Cure Worse Term Paper

Youthful offenders especially, are subjected to negative influences and damaging treatment while in prison. Rehabilitation can be arranged so as to meet the needs of individual women and men, allowing them to come to terms with the reality of their Continue Reading...

Criminal Procedure and the U.S. Term Paper

The need for mental competency was most recently addressed by the Supreme Court in Indiana v. Edwards, a case that helped to reinforce these fundamental constitutional rights for mentally ill defendants. The research also showed, though, that the cr Continue Reading...


Introduction Title: Transforming the Future: The Need for Prison Reform Prison reform has become an increasingly important topic in discussions about justice, rehabilitation, and human rights. The current state of the prison system in many countri Continue Reading...

Crimes in Prison The Modern Term Paper

A major concern regarding crime today that exists within prisons as well as on the streets is the formation of gangs. "Prison gangs are flourishing across the country. Organized, stealthy and deadly, they are reaching out from their cells to organi Continue Reading...

Women and the Death Penalty Term Paper

Women and the Death Penalty Analysis An Analysis of the Historical Effect of Gender and Race on the Application of the Death Penalty in the United States While the debate over capital punishment continues to rage in the United States, questions of Continue Reading...

Why Prison Incarceration Rates High Essay

The High Incarceration Rate: A Significant Issue Faced by the Criminal Justice System Abstract This paper examines the problem of the high rate of incarceration in America. This is a major challenge for the criminal justice system, as many people, fa Continue Reading...

Analyzing Speeches of Angela Y Davis Essay

Racism and Gender Oppression In the speeches of Angela Y. Davis, black female activist of the 20th century, one sees a remarkable discernment of the underbelly of the U.S.—or what she calls the US Organization.[footnoteRef:1] Her experience gro Continue Reading...