153 Search Results for Anti Semitism Although the Term Anti Semitism

19th Century German Unification Term Paper

Gold and Iron Columbia historian Fritz Stern gathered thousands of previously unpublished documents, letters, and correspondences between the two foremost shapers of German unification, Otto von Bismarck and Gerson von Bleichrder. Most readers will Continue Reading...

Jewish American Intermarriage Term Paper

Jewish-American Intermarriage The United States of America has become a symbol of freedom to the rest of the world. People from nations everywhere come to this country in pursuit of the "American Dream," for America grants people opportunities that Continue Reading...

German Ideology and Propaganda Term Paper

Hitler's Ideology And Propaganda All propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to." Thus wrote Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf, while serving a prison sentence in t Continue Reading...

Israel Securitization Issue Term Paper

Israel Explanation of the Issue: Introduction The most recent escalation of conflict in Israel and Gaza show that the current situation is untenable. This paper examines the history of the creation of the state of Israel and the aftermath of the Ba Continue Reading...

Totalitarian Governments Term Paper

It is necessary to control the workers and make them dependent on the government. The policy also makes it possible for the government to direct all its resources on a single project -- typically the major "goal" of a regime such as war. Complete g Continue Reading...

Philosophy (Modernism) In the Age Term Paper

A similar pattern can be observed in Italian and Japanese societies during the same period that Germany was recovering from the world war. Japan was experiencing not only the effects of the Sino-Japanese conflict, but was also experiencing difficult Continue Reading...

Self: Using Race As a Term Paper

Smith may dislike the stereotype, but she cannot help internalizing it. She feels unfinished because she is regarded as unfinished, and even members of her community urge her to straighten her hair. This is completely different from the joyous, affi Continue Reading...

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Term Paper

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (April 19-May 16, 1943) by a handful of Jews against the Nazis, although a futile effort against overwhelming odds that was brutally snuffed out by the SS in less than a month, was the largest Jewish uprising in German-Occupied Continue Reading...

Hamas a History from Within Term Paper

Hamas Often when people think of the word "Hamas," it becomes intrinsically linked with Islamic and Muslim peoples. This is highly unfair. Hamas is actually a very limited population of Palestinian and Islamic extremists. In the book Hamas: a Histor Continue Reading...

Jesus, Jew or Christian The Term Paper

His followers claimed He had risen as He said He would, bodily appeared to them and then bodily ascended into Heaven, as Elijah prophesied. This experience emboldened them to come out of hiding and they gathered at the upper room of the Cenacle on t Continue Reading...

Government of the Tongue, Richard Term Paper

Allestree indicates that flattery is a form of mental slavery and says that love and friendship are far too valuable to prostitute them. In addition, he believes that flattery is harmful because, by failing to point out a man's flaws, or by transmut Continue Reading...

National Socialism in Cinema -- Term Paper

Also, these characters are clearly connected to a larger debate about guilt and punishment in a way that is meaningful and unforced and germane to all nations. Susanne agues and eventually convinces Mertens that Bruckner should not be subject to pr Continue Reading...

Communist Party Term Paper

Communist Party During the Stalin Period (1928 to 1953) In order to examine the changes undergone by the Communist Party during the reign of Stalin, let us first look at some background on one of the most notorious mass murderers in history, Joseph Continue Reading...

Bishop of Speyer When First Term Paper

" In fact, the support of the burghers was critical to the slaughter of the Jews in Mainz, for they unlocked the city gates for the crusaders. Despite the fact that the fortifications around the Jewish population could only protect them so much, no Continue Reading...

Sarah Strong Finds Herself in Term Paper

While clearly the bank did not make correct decision by opting to follow the norms of the host country, it must take proactive steps to avoid situations similar to this in the future. Diversity training is one way of doing so. Although often only u Continue Reading...

Nazi Youth Term Paper

Nazi Youth Prelude Mein Kompf was regarded as the "Bible" of the Hitlerjugend. On entering the Jungvolk at the age of 10, children took the following oath: In the presence of this blood-banner which represents our Fuehrer I swear to devote all my e Continue Reading...

Last of Just Term Paper

Andre Schwarz-Bart. Translated by: Stephen Becker. New York: Atheneum Publishers. 1960. 374 pages. The Last of the Just is a work of fiction that focuses on an old Hebrew legend of a group of men destined by God to be the culmination of the hearts Continue Reading...

Hitler and His Charisma -- Term Paper

This allowed Hitler to retain some of the factionalism that had characterized the early life of the party, and to continue to 'play' different political figures and factions off of one another in state conflicts, to support his own power, so that he Continue Reading...

Poland Term Paper

Poland throughout its history has periodically disappeared from the face of the map only to re-emerge phoenix-like mainly due to the dogged perseverance and a strong sense of national identity exhibited by the Poles that has transcended prolonged per Continue Reading...

Albert Speer Term Paper

Steeped in controversy and tainted by his legacy as Hitler's personal architect and close friend, Albert Speer is a difficult historical figure to portray and to pinpoint. Gitta Sereny explores the life and the mind of this complex man with brilliant Continue Reading...

Racism Representation Term Paper

Robert Miles, the construction and subsequent discourse of "race" is a complex, dynamic sociological phenomenon. Representations of the Other as distinct from the Self do serve specific psychological, political, and economic purposes. For instance, Continue Reading...

Flavius Joephus Much of the Term Paper

And he gained a following both among many Jews and among many of Greek origin. He was the Messiah. And when Pilate, because of an accusation made by the leading men among us, condemned him to the cross, those who had loved him previously did not cea Continue Reading...

France in the 20th Century Term Paper

France in the Twentieth Century The Second World War that took place between the years 1939 to 1945 involved the so called Axis Powers on one side, which were, namely, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Japan, and Romania and Bulgaria, and the Allied Powers, Continue Reading...

Douglass' Women by Jewell Parker Term Paper

That Frederick is indeed emotionally unavailable is highlighted at every turn. He doesn't do "little things" for Anna, nor whisper sweet words to Ottilie. In his speeches, he thanks neither woman for the help they have given him. "Who helped more th Continue Reading...

War World War II This Term Paper

Even the established chain of command was seen as being too inhuman to the conscripts because of any arbitrary order from a superior. Conclusion In conclusion, this report focused on the frontline battlefield experiences of both American and Japan Continue Reading...

Holocaust Survivor Term Paper

interview of a single survivor available in the Visual History Archive of the USC Shoah Foundation Institute. The survivor in the film was Mordecai Topel from Poland. Due to the length of the interview, we will focus upon the first 30-60 minutes of Continue Reading...

Concentration Camps of WWII -- Term Paper

"Some Holocaust survivors have said that not only did the barbed-wire surrounding Auschwitz tremble and howl, but also the tortured earth itself moaned with the voices of the victims" (ISurvived.org). The first waves of prisoners arrived at Auschwi Continue Reading...

Kafka This Report Aims to Term Paper

And a lot of this has to do with real epithets that were used against Jews at that time on the streets. Someone would see a Jew and say, 'You dirty dog', or 'You're nothing more than a cockroach', or something like that. For Kafka, this became a kin Continue Reading...