188 Search Results for Colonial Histories Shape Future Development

Immigration in America: 19th Century Essay

This doesn't explain why the Irish had such a difficult time, but in America, religious differences are often the cause of intolerance as well. The truth is that without immigrants in the 19th, 20th, and 21st century -- and of course the two hundred Continue Reading...

U.S. Immigrants The Black and Essay

The advent of World War II saw and end of the period of economic turmoil and massive unemployment known as the Great Depression, and thus was a time of increased opportunity for many of the nation's citizens and immigrants, but the experiences of so Continue Reading...

ELI WHITNEY - the MAN Term Paper

As a result, Whitney spent many years and significant sums in dozens of lawsuits over infringement of his patented device, without ever realizing any significant recovery of lost profits (Lakwete 2004). The Larger Impact of a Simple Technological I Continue Reading...

U.S. Foreign Policy and the Term Paper

8 billion. The Occupation authorities also helped the Japanese government overcome postwar economic chaos, especially rampant inflation, by balancing the government budget, raising taxes and imposing price and wage freezes, and resuming limited forei Continue Reading...

Global Peace Movement Research Paper

"Contradictions in a sovereign state sometimes lead to a civil war, but denying full sovereignty is not a solution. Frustrated by outside control they cannot change, Iraqis are taking out their frustrations on each other" (Grossmann, 2006). Other a Continue Reading...

Architecture of Boston is a Term Paper

com). Sedate it is definitely not. We read, "Even from this distance the tower's abundant ornamentation is clear. Its Northern Italian Gothic style adds exotic elements to the neighborhood's skyline." (iboston.org). Trinity Church cannot be overlooke Continue Reading...

Ethnic Relations in the Malaysian Term Paper

Under it, conversion to Islam was irreversible and only Malay and Islamic cultures were recognized and in disregard of the fact that about half of the total population in the peninsula was non-Malay and non-Muslim. Although the privileges and favor Continue Reading...

Creation of the Third World Essay

Origins of the Modern World The old biological regime describes the way people made their livelihoods and achieved their status through their interactions with the land. In the 1400s, the global population was about 350 million people, 80% of whom w Continue Reading...

Rise of Hindu Fundamentalism Term Paper

rise of Hindu Fundamentalism At the turn of the century, religious fundamentalism has emerged as a well-known trend; a custom of mind found within religious communities and paradigmatically incarnated in certain typical individuals and activities. Continue Reading...

World Regional Geography Term Paper

Geography Questions On World Regional Geography Generally speaking, African colonies during the colonial period were seen as expensive liabilities by the great European powers, especially in relation to trading concessions. Toward the end of the 19 Continue Reading...

Benjamin Franklin Was Born on Term Paper

He also related how his small group of friends played tricks with their unwitting neighbors. His friends would set fire on alcohol, rekindled candles blown out, imitate lightning flashes or by touching or kissing and make an artificial spider move ( Continue Reading...

Vietnam Ho Chi Minh's Dream Essay

South Vietnam, it believed, could be a base for the desired ability to mount military and economic operations throughout the globe and regardless of the insidious presence of communist influence, a premise which stood in direct contrast to Ho Chi Mi Continue Reading...

Artistic View: "Wave Hill" and Term Paper

A sea of buildings would cover the Island of Manhattan, and the iron tentacles of urbanization would extend outward over hundreds of square miles, even into distant Riverdale in Westchester County - the once rural site of Wave Hill. The picturesque Continue Reading...

Foreign Monetary System Research Paper

Foreign Monetary System A monetary system is any structure initiated by the government and mandated to issue currency, acknowledged as the medium of exchange by its citizens and governments of other nations. The central bank manages the monetary sys Continue Reading...

Leaders Are Made Not Born Book Review

Leadership In his Pulitzer Prize winning biography, His Excellency George Washington, Joseph J. Ellis presents a balanced and comprehensive portrait on the nation's first president that steers a course between hero-worship and debunking. He based hi Continue Reading...

Public Sector Unions Research Paper


Middle East Because of a Essay

Although some received territory, they were embittered as a result of the perceived broken pledge. The result of this was an Arab uprising against the Turks in 1916. The San Remo Conference nevertheless began to shape the post-war world (McKinney 2 Continue Reading...

Obesity in America Term Paper

Obesity in the United States The extent of the Problem Obesity as one commentator says, is not just a "matter of aesthetics" but has become a major public health problem in the United States. Similarly, Federal health officials have categorically s Continue Reading...

Angola, As Many of the Term Paper

The colonial time however was shaped by international events as well. The Cold War played a crucial role in the development of the Angolan state. Despite the fact that Angola is not a big country in terms of size and population, the battle for influ Continue Reading...

World Regional Geography Term Paper

Regional Geography Why could Africa be considered on of the richest continents on Earth? Discuss some of sub-Saharan Africa's Assets. Then address why, despite these facts, the majority of African states remain poor. Be sure to include several fact Continue Reading...