684 Search Results for Criminal Justice War on Drugs

Diversity on the Criminal Justice Term Paper

As, it will create vast disparities in society that are having negative impacts on: the courts and corrections. This is because the law will: target the lower ends of society and those groups that are considered to within the minority. An example of Continue Reading...

Colonial Period of Criminal Justice: Essay

" Freedom of speech has been compromised, CCAPA contends; librarians and others who keep public records may be prosecuted if they "tell anyone the government subpoenaed information related to a terror investigation." The right to legal representatio Continue Reading...

Race in the Criminal Justice Thesis

Gould, judicial systems have to address the concerns about disparate treatment and its affect on sentencing outcomes (pg.1 paragraph 1). In 1989 the National Consortium of Task Forces and Commissions of Racial and Ethnic Bias in the Courts (the Con Continue Reading...

Controversies in Criminal Justice Essay

Pelican Bay State Prison: War Zone How does the video you selected support a social structure theory? One social structure theory relates and highlights all the happenings in this video. Social disorganization theory appears to dominate the entire Continue Reading...

Criminal Behavior Term Paper

Criminal Behavior Approaches to Understand Criminal Behavior Psychological Approaches Sociological Approaches Biological Approaches Psychosurgery Chemical Methods of Control Imagine yourself having a walk in the premises of your house and a st Continue Reading...

Drug Legalization As the Country Term Paper

"As a case in point we may take the known fact of the prevalence of reefer and dope addiction in Negro areas. This is essentially explained in terms of poverty, slum living, and broken families, yet it would be easy to show the lack of drug addicti Continue Reading...

Drug Wars A Thin, Bloody Line Borders Essay

Drug Wars A Thin, Bloody Line Borders are artificial lines. Even when they follow natural divisions such as rivers or mountain ranges, borders are still artificial. They are imaginary lines that different governments (or other official groups of pe Continue Reading...

Drug Abuse Has Reached an Essay

Over the years, marijuana abuse has continued to be regarded as being damaging to the well-being of our society and, in most countries, it is illegal to possess marijuana. In spite of being generally rejected by the public, marijuana also has numer Continue Reading...

Drug Courts One of the Research Proposal

Adolescents and Children The drug courts have become part of the solution, not the problem in the lives of thousands of children and adolescents across the country (Schwebel, 176). Juvenile drug courts are increasing in the United States, as a re Continue Reading...

Drug Laws Changes in Drug Term Paper

Therefore, a closer look at what is needed is in order. Needed Changes, Stakeholders and Barriers to Change The decades that followed Rockefeller and Felony Offender made it clear that these laws were in dire need of change for a variety of reason Continue Reading...

Drug Cartels What is the Term Paper

, 2010). Writing in the peer-reviewed World Policy Journal, Kellner and colleague explain that another Mexican drug gang, Los Zetas, is known for kidnapping and demanding ransoms; and police are "outgunned" and "overpowered by criminals, who have bec Continue Reading...

Drug Enforcement Strategies Term Paper

In jails, not one of the violent criminals was under the influence of heroin at the time their crime was committed. Twenty-one percent of state inmates incarcerated for violent crime were under the influence of alcohol alone at the time they committ Continue Reading...

Drug Abuse The Subject of Term Paper

In addition, the data suggest that younger arrestees were less inclined to use heroin (Baumler et al. 2002)." This research also found that variables such as geographics, ethnicity, and age provide some explanation for heroin-use patterns (Baumler Continue Reading...

Drugs Many Drugs Have Been Essay

A room in a house or a basement can become manufacturing laboratory for methamphetamine easier than a closet in a city apartment. Similarly, access to cocaine and other illicit substances may be easier in inner cities, which are usually ports of ent Continue Reading...

Drug Control Policy As Ethan Term Paper

Unfortunately, the American government has been looking in the wrong place for these models, especially in Asia and Latin America. For example, the coca plant from which cocaine is derived grows in abundance in many geographical regions of northern Continue Reading...

How to Solve Drug Problem in US Essay

Drugs: A Big Problem in Criminal Justice The problem of drug use in America is one that has been around for many years. However, with the recent passage of marijuana laws in states like Colorado, Oregon and California (to name just a few), the way th Continue Reading...