66 Search Results for Doll's House Henrik Ibsen's Play a Doll's

Doll's House Questions Torvold is Term Paper

Yet, despite her own trials she still believes marriage must be based in honesty, even an ugly honesty. "But now a whole day's gone by and I've witnessed things in this house that I could hardly believe. Helmer must know the whole story. This wretch Continue Reading...

Feminism and A Doll's House Research Paper

Feminism and "A Doll's House" In the globe, feminism is a common practice in the social customs of both developed and developing nations. This is because, in both cases, there has been an apparent similar portrayal of women, who have gone through va Continue Reading...

Death of a Salesman Doll's Term Paper

The reality of this truth is that is Nora does not know herself, her husband cannot possible know who she is. Nora experiences the pain of a blind love that has finally seen the truth. In a moment of enlightenment, she tells her husband, "You don't Continue Reading...

Nora's Relationship with Helmer Term Paper

Nora's relationship with Helmer.Forms.HTML:Hidden.1 In Henrick Ibsen's play, "A Doll's House," Nora and Torvald Helmer are a well to do husband and wife with cheerful children, that seem to live the happy marriage life. As the play seems to move fo Continue Reading...

Women of Ibsen and Strindberg: Term Paper

Because of society, Nora becomes a wife and mother without giving it much though. She did what she was supposed to do. When Torvald calls Nora "hypocrite, a liar . . . A criminal" (Ibsen 190), he is overstepping his bounds, even as a husband. The wo Continue Reading...

Materialism in a Doll's House Essay

After the sacrifice, he gave her nothing. The true question is if Torvald would have ever done anything so selfless for Nora. We are left to believe that he would not because she was nothing more to him than a plaything and those can replaced when t Continue Reading...

Doll's House Nora's Decision to Essay

She and her husband do not have a relationship in which they can talk. She has to hide the fact that she borrowed money from Krogstad from Torvald, and has cared deeply about what Torvald would think if he should find out. She allows Krogstad to bla Continue Reading...

Doll's House The Story of Term Paper

The play implies that social conventions can mask the truth by forcing people to take on false appearances, and pretend to believe they are true. The most upstanding characters in the play are Krogstad and Mrs. Linde. Mrs. Linde is not respectable Continue Reading...

Recurring Literary Theme of Ascent Essay

The characters in all of the literary works discussed here experience the elation of rising above whatever ails them on earth, but then being forced to fall back down to the harsh reality that they can never seem to fully escape. Additionally, in ea Continue Reading...

6 The Timeless and Universal Term Paper

As Nora tells Torvald, for example, shortly before leaving him: "I can no longer content myself with what most people say, or with what is found in books. I must think over things for myself and get to understand them" Ibsen, (A Doll's House, Act II Continue Reading...

Motivations One of the Most Term Paper

As a conclusion, in terms of both responsibility and motivation, it is more that obvious that our two characters Iago and Krogstad are involved in destroying a marriage but the effects of their involvement are quite different; while Krogstad, throu Continue Reading...

Lives of Women in the Term Paper

Regardless of the infidelity of their husbands, upper-class wives were expected to be loyal, and daughters to remain virgin until marriage. Through seclusion and high regard for virginity, male domination reinforced the class structure of Cuban soc Continue Reading...

Copyright ?2008 The Character of Term Paper

He only resorted to blackmailing the Helmers once he knew his reputation and livelihood were being endangered by them. Before then he was content to overlook Nora's indiscretion regarding the bond. Through the character Nora it was shown that women Continue Reading...

Gender and Marxist Criticisms of Term Paper

Thus, Nora was controlled by Torvald in even her most mundane actions and behavior. Nora was also economically indebted to Dr. Rank and Krogstad, immediately explicating why she was willing to be controlled by these men. Her fear of being discovere Continue Reading...

Making the Familiar Unfamiliar Term Paper

Familiar-Unfamiliar Part of the process of staging a play is to make the familiar unfamiliar, to isolate elements so as to suggest reality, the familiar, in an unfamiliar way. Plays do not take place in the real world but in a created world, a worl Continue Reading...

Spheres: Men and Women and Essay

In the cinema, women were often sexual, powerful vamps and flappers, portrayed by actresses like Louise Brooks and Clara Bow. Flappers cut off their long hair and shed their long skirts for a more athletic and empowered appearance. However, althoug Continue Reading...