56 Search Results for Film Pulp Fiction

Fight Club and Casino Royale Essay

He is just as surreal as Palahniuk's Tyler Durden, and yet he is not freeing any hero from consumerist enslavement but -- on the other hand -- burying the reader behind a false and deluded masculine mythology -- namely, that a masculine hero is viri Continue Reading...

Espionage Study Guide Essay

Espionage Burds, Chapter 19 Golden Age of Soviet "Illegals" Cambridge Five: Burgess, Blunt, Maclean, Philby and Cairncross These five were all discovered to be spying for the Soviets. Cairncross was never caught. He supplied Stalin with secrets Continue Reading...

Pop Culture and Media Essay Analysis Essay

Working Class Whites," pop culture and the media seem to stereotype the entirety of working class white people as either "good country folk" or "white trash." They act a kind of scape goat for society and its uncivilized folk. White people belonging Continue Reading...

Guidebook for Living in Modernity Term Paper

Living in Modernity in Three Easy Steps Perhaps it is only appropriate that a so-called guidebook to living in modernity is not in fact a book at all, but only a relatively brief overview, encompassing six to nine pages of text, easily condensed fo Continue Reading...

Drama Unfolds in 2001: A Term Paper

He responds just like a man when he tries to bargain with Dave, claiming things are going to be okay and that he feels much better. The intensity of this scene is gripping because of the hissing air in the spacecraft's background and Dave's exaspera Continue Reading...

Raiders of the Lost Ark Film Review

The shots in the scene reuniting Indy and Marian are impersonal, long shots and medium shots. The scene introducing the relationship between Indy and Marian quickly cuts in to the Nazi whose expertise is one of torture. He has come for the same thi Continue Reading...

Dime Novel Has a Specific Seminar Paper

Vast lands were open, and adventure seemed rampant. In fact, so compelling was the idea of the American West that Theodore Roosevelt noted, "More and more as the years go by this Republic will find its guidance in the thought and action of the West, Continue Reading...

Privacy Rights In the Case Term Paper

Layne', in December 1994, the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner received a compliant that the Vancouver Police Department had taken a decision to block out the faces of those person who were being interviewed by the police in the pr Continue Reading...