280 Search Results for Gangs This Is a Guideline

Debatable Issue Term Paper

DRUGS BE LEGALIZED? Should Drugs Be Legal?" is the core debatable issue of this paper. Two papers representing different sides of the debate are summarized below. The papers represent different dimensions of the issue, not necessarily contradicting Continue Reading...

Locust Club -- "We Protect Interview

Theoretically speaking though, why is there a constant tension between police unions and local and state governments? Can't they all just get along? Well, to answer this question, perhaps we should briefly examine the differences between police uni Continue Reading...

Violence in Prisons This is Essay

and, in Colorado this past February, a prison guard at Englewood was discovered smuggling in tobacco and cigarette papers for bribes from inmates. He had received over $5,000 during the smuggling scheme. Inmate vs. Inmate A little over a month ago Continue Reading...

Children Going to Jail Essay

Medina, J. (2013). U.S. Charges 18 Sheriff's Officers in Inquiry Into Misconduct at Los Angeles Jails. Nytimes.com. Retrieved 24 May 2017, from http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/10/us/18-charged-in-inquiry-into-los-angeles-sheriffs-office.html Per Continue Reading...

Juvenile Justice System Term Paper

Criminal Justice Juvenile justice Gang Control Methods Descriptions Law Enforcement Efforts The traditional police personnel from the youth unit control the gang. Police officers from youth or detective unit are charged with controlling activit Continue Reading...

Environment and Delinquency Research Paper

Environment and Delinquency Over the last several years, the issue of juvenile crime and its impact on the criminal justice system has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because there are debates about what to do with these types of Continue Reading...

Violence in the Media and Research Paper

The industry knowingly takes advantage of this recent cultural shift in parent-child relationships. And finally, the industry knows that children and youngsters are more likely to be influenced by violent movies, TV shows, and games and are more lik Continue Reading...

Gay Marriage In Many Countries, Term Paper

Many are occasions when children are born and disowned by their parents. It cannot be so untraditional for a gay couple to take that child into custody, and ensure that children receive the best care deserved. In fact, it is relevant to note that ch Continue Reading...

Sex Trafficking Term Paper

Human Trafficking: A Growing Threat for All Undocumented Migrant Workers. Human trafficking, despite the growing global awareness, has generated an international response that is fractured and disjointed. The issue of human trafficking in the curren Continue Reading...

Discretion in Probation Research Paper

Ethics and Discretion in Probation "…Encourage relationships with colleagues of such character to promote mutual respect and cultivate a professional cooperation with each segment…" [and] "respect, serve and empathize with the victims of Continue Reading...

Community Policing Research Paper

Community Policing Efficacy The Violent Crime Control & Law Enforcement Act of 1994 heralded the beginning of a massive effort to reform policing strategies in the United States, in part through implementation of community-policing programs at t Continue Reading...

Patriot Act This Study Seeks Term Paper

" Prohibiting "a bill of attainder" means that the U.S. Congress cannot pass a law that considers individual or aggregation blameworthy and later discipline them. Disallowing an ex post facto law implies that the U.S. Congress cannot make any given a Continue Reading...

Justice Crime and Ethics Research Paper

Justice, Crime and Ethics Prepping the President: Ethical Analysis and Future Policy Initiatives Suggesting the Use of Rehabilitation in Corrections The President of the United States has just scheduled a town hall meeting entitled, "Criminal Just Continue Reading...

Psychology - Human Interaction THE Thesis

By that time, several guards had become sadistic and the behavior of the prisoners provided clear indications of psychological breakdown. Interviews with study participants suggested that merely the perception of their respective roles influenced th Continue Reading...