68 Search Results for Herod the Great

State Territory Term Paper

International Relations Foreign Policy The fundamental principle of the peace of Westphalia aimed to enshrine in law the idea that politics were essentially territorial but our modern world continues to alter this paradigm. Consider the end of the Continue Reading...

Gospel of Matthew: Chapter Outline Thesis

This is evidenced in the first chapter's list of Jesus' linage, recalling similar lists in the Old Testament, tracing the line of Israel. Second is the nativity gospel, or story of the hero's extraordinary origins, along the lines of Moses' story of Continue Reading...

Christ Taught Humble Essay

Sermon Manuscript: Philippians 2:1-4Text: Phillippians 2:1-4IntroductionAttentionPaul exhorted them to stand in unity and that humility causes us to place others needs above our own. C.S. Lewis states, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's Continue Reading...

Book of Acts History or Theology Essay

Christian Holy Bible known as Acts, many people who read Acts may feel or be inclined to believe that it is a book of historical record and fact. However, there are many theologians and scholars that do not look at the book this way and this report s Continue Reading...

Synoptic Gospels of Bible Research Paper

synoptic problem" and explain how the 2-source theory provides a solution for it. The synoptic problem refers to the differences and similarities that exist between the synoptic gospels, those being the books of Matthew, Mark and Luke. While there Continue Reading...

Jesus Is Good and Evil Essay

Theodicy The problem of Sam the neighbor is not something new in the spiritual evaluation of the human condition. The presence of discomfort, fear and violence leads the casual observer to believe that if there is a God, he or she or whatever it is, Continue Reading...

Job, Jonah, Egypt THE BOOK Essay

However the boat is beset by terrible storms and the sailors determine by casting lots that it is Jonah's fault, so Jonah tells them to toss him overboard. They do, and God arranges for a giant fish to swallow Jonah. While inside the fish for three Continue Reading...

Law of Christ Literature Review

Render to Ceasar the Things That Are Ceasars Render unto the Caesar the Things that are Caesar's "Render unto Caesar what belong to the Caesars" is the beginning a phrase ascribed to Jesus in the synoptic gospel, which fully reads, "Render unto the Continue Reading...

Bible As Literature 6 Movie Movie Review

The life and death of Jesus Christ especially him being the founder of the Christian faith should always have a universal appeal to all peoples from all walks of life and all ages. This has always been the foundational precept of the establishment Continue Reading...

Geographies of Global Change (1.) Term Paper

Loans needed to buy the equipment and seeds create indebtedness to Western banks. Western professionals are needed to intervene and to manage. The productivity of monocrops (e.g., rice or maize) undermines other native crops. Routledge writes, "The Continue Reading...

Search for the Historical Jesus: Thesis

Historiography in Jesus' era, or the ethics of writing good history, was also different from our own -- objective, historical accounts were rare, rather each historian wished to present his or her version of the facts. History and belief invariably Continue Reading...

Jesus is a Question That Term Paper

Yet, before one can understand Johnson's call for a taking back of the feminine Christ, one must first understand how the feminine Christ was lost. The starting point is with the ministries of Christ and to the point of his resurrection. This short Continue Reading...

Messiah in Old Testament The Term Paper

In Genesis 3:15, God said, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel." According to some biblical experts, this is an oblique reference to the c Continue Reading...

Gospel of Mark Often Regarded Term Paper

Jesus then recruits other disciples, such as James and John, and decides to spread the Word of God to other parts of the region while doing good deeds, like miraculously healing the sick and the blind. As a symbol of his personality, Jesus does not Continue Reading...

Jesus, Jew or Christian The Term Paper

His followers claimed He had risen as He said He would, bodily appeared to them and then bodily ascended into Heaven, as Elijah prophesied. This experience emboldened them to come out of hiding and they gathered at the upper room of the Cenacle on t Continue Reading...

How Jesus Feed 5000 People Term Paper

Jesus Feed 5000 people Seven astounding signs are there in the Gospel of John. The first one is the process of evolving water into sweet wine. Second is the instance of curing the son of royal. Third is the instance of curing of an invalid man, suf Continue Reading...

Historicity of Acts Term Paper

Historicity of Acts For centuries, the historicity of the book of the Acts has been questioned and criticized, prompting historians to label it "the storm center of modern New Testament study." Many scholars have suggested that the Acts were written Continue Reading...