998 Search Results for Immigration to the United States

Immigration Essay

Opening Paragraph: In this Immigration essay, we will offer some sample titles, topics, an outline, and structure that you can use to improve your writing. The start of any good essay is an interesting topic statement followed by a succinct and desc Continue Reading...

Immigration in America Research Paper

Immigration in America: The Benefits and Costs of a Polarizing Problem Introduction As Suarez-Orozco, Rhodes and Milburn (2009) point out, immigrants need “supportive relationships” in order to succeed in the foreign country that they m Continue Reading...

US Immigration and Ethnicity Case Study

America": A Semi-Structured Interview with Mohammed "Mo" Hadi Semi-Structured Interview Questions and Summary of Responses (impromptu follow-up questions are italicized): Question No. When and why did you come to the United States? I arrived in Continue Reading...

US Security Term Paper

Sealing Up the Cracks Security in a Post-9/11 World On September 11, 2001, America was changed forever. From out of the ruins of the World Trade Center, and over the unmarked graves of nearly three thousand innocent people, a new world took shape. Continue Reading...

Us Immigration Custom Enforcement Essay

Decision Support Paper: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement Introduction and Background This text analyses the budget plan of both the Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Immigration and Cust Continue Reading...

Geography of the United States Term Paper

"Between and beyond these two large areas lie two more fields of great importance, the East Texas field and the Panhandle field in northwest Texas. Separate from these fields but also of major importance are those located in southern California. In Continue Reading...

Buddhism in the United States Thesis

Meditation centers became popular during this time, and so did extensive study into eastern religions, such as Buddhism. There is another aspect of Buddhism that has had a remarkable effect on American society in just about every area, and that is Continue Reading...

Hockey In the United States, Essay

The spectre of assimilation, was even more pronounced in the native community. In the Hockey Game, Wes Fineday relates the memory of a game played on his reserve. Children were taken to boarding schools, where even the food was unfamiliar. Hockey w Continue Reading...

Racism in the United States: Essay

" (Fredrickson, p562) In his view, the disadvantages (still) faced by many African-Americans is the result of some degree of institutionalized and unacknowledged racial and ethnic hierarchies. Meanwhile, many minority groups that have achieved rela Continue Reading...

Migration to the US Term Paper

Pyong Min's Mass Migration to the United States reviews the vast influx of people from Mexico, Latin America, Asia, Russia and the Caribbean into the United States that has occurred since 1965. The book is a compilation of chapters written by differe Continue Reading...

Arabs in the United States Term Paper

Arab-Americans More than 80% of all Arabs in the U.S. are legal citizens, thus creating an Arab-American cultural foundation consisting of over 3.5 million Americans (AAI, 2009). This single clustered group in reality consists of people from 22 coun Continue Reading...

History of the United States Book Review

While the authors' claims are true since the backlash between the two communities or groups are incomparable, Middle Eastern and Muslim Americans have experienced a fair share of backlash after the 9/11 attack. The group has continued to experience Continue Reading...

Dew Breaker The United States Term Paper

He has become a respected individual in his Brooklyn residence as a landlord, barber, husband and father. But the persons he victimized cannot forget their tortures. This highlights the impossibility, despite the myth of forgetting one's past identi Continue Reading...

Immigration Good for the Country? Essay

Some of these people not only gave United States a claim to fame, but they also protected Americans through national security and scientific achievements. Thus, immigration is, ultimately, beneficial to the United States. While some have recently t Continue Reading...

Immigration Reform Essay

immigration crisis, referring to the United States and particularly to the southern border, has been in use for a couple of decades. This tells us that the perception of crisis is ingrained in American political and social discourse, and it also ill Continue Reading...

Immigration Welfare Policy Term Paper

Immigrant Welfare Policy Summary & Critique Immigration into the United States has historically come in waves, with the current upward trend beginning in 1965 and gaining steam through the 1980s, to the point where nearly one million immigrants Continue Reading...