999 Search Results for Juvenile Crime Juvenile Justice

American Juvenile Justice System Essay

Juvenile Justice System: Contemporary Juvenile Justice System and Juvenile Detention Alternatives Past Issues and Historical Trends in Juvenile Justice Contemporary juvenile justice is in trouble. For nearly a century, the juvenile justice system was Continue Reading...

Juvenile Corrections Research Paper

Juvenile Corrections Juvenile delinquency is a common phenomenon in the globe today. Owing to the severe crimes, committed, different states handle the matter differently. On one hand, some states utilize the "punitive approach" that prioritizes cri Continue Reading...

Juvenile Delinquents Term Paper

Juvenile Justice Juvenile delinquents Shifting to a restorative model, acknowledging the needs of victims Juvenile justice: Shifting to a restorative model, acknowledging the needs of victims The adult justice system in America has long focused Continue Reading...

Justice System Juvi Death Penalty Term Paper

(Streib online) Regardless of the source of the ethical view there is rising tides that express the evolving attitude that the death penalty, in any case is not a deterrent and is ethically wrong, regardless of the crime or the circumstances of it. Continue Reading...

Juvenile Rights at the Time Term Paper

Juveniles may commit crimes on the same level as adults do, but they are of a special case because of their age and relative psychological immaturity. The purpose of the juvenile justice system is to rehabilitate the minors and help them integrate b Continue Reading...

Juvenile Justice Essay

The historic year of 1910, which was marked by South Africa's unification, saw an attempt to develop a national prison and punitive policy. This goal was encapsulated within the 13th Act of 1911 (Prisons and Reformatories Act) as well as within t Continue Reading...

Crime On March 9th, 2013, Two New Term Paper

Crime On March 9th, 2013, two New York City police officers shot and killed a sixteen-year-old Kimani Gray, and claimed afterward that he had brandished a handgun at them after being told to show his hands (Goodman, 2013). More remarkable than the N Continue Reading...

Justice As Retribution Research Paper

Justice as Retribution Every individual in the globe has a perception towards crime, justice, criminals, and many other aspects in relation to criminals. On hearing the term "criminal," every individual reacts differently. There are those who feel t Continue Reading...

Juvenile Delinquency is a Term Term Paper

This is particularly important when making decisions about court processes and sentencing practices in the juvenile court. The ability of youth to recognize that sanctions will drastically increase in the adult system is ample reason to justify the Continue Reading...

Juvenile Death Penalty One of Thesis

An interesting and similar development in juvenile justice is the issue of life imprisonment as a cruel and unusual sentence for juvenile offenders. This issue is addressed by Mark Sherman (2009). Sherman states that Joe Sullivan was 13 years old w Continue Reading...

Juvenile Sentencing The Issue of Term Paper

According to Lawlor, Connecticut has "developed a flexible approach geared toward immediate intervention and proven results" (Lawlor). He explains that not every teenaged car thief with a record of several arrests should be sent to prison, just as n Continue Reading...

Juvenile Detention The Objective of Thesis

Following an investigations there were findings that certain violations were evident and specifically those relating to failure to protect confined juveniles from harm; failure to address incidences of youth violence due to inadequate supervision; Continue Reading...

Crime Prevention and Control - Term Paper

But an open system of prevention could be the alternative. It would subject the court or legislature to closer and public scrutiny (Robinson). President Lyndon Johnson's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice was viewed as the Continue Reading...

Crime Statistics The Five Cities Term Paper

However, it would be inappropriate to conclude that the absence of available statistics means that the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office does not engage in analysis or crime mapping; they simply have not chosen to make that information available on Continue Reading...