556 Search Results for Mathematics in Special Education

Grade Six Mathematics Lesson Plan

Part 1: Lesson plan 1 1. Lesson Plan Information Subject/Course: Mathematics Name: Grade Level: Sixth Date: Time: Topic: Fractions Length of Period: 1hr 30 minutes Standard: Pennsylvania’s Common Core State Standard CC.2.3.2.A.2 for Mathematics Continue Reading...

Philosophy Montessori Education Term Paper

Abstract The education approach plays a fundamental role in the cognitive development of a child. The Montessori theory of Education introduced in 1903 by Maria Montessori has been identified to significantly contribute to effective cognitive develop Continue Reading...

Vocational Education Term Paper

vocational education in high school. The review discusses all types of vocational education including agriculture, industrial arts, business, and family & consumer sciences. This paper includes opinions from students, administrators, counselors, Continue Reading...

Ethical Goal of Education Research Paper

principals who are equity-oriented, marginalized dynamics may crop up in schools that are changing demographically at a rapid pace (Cooper, 2009). This essay reflects upon how educators may play the role of transformative leaders by way of carrying Continue Reading...

Higher Education Issue As the Term Paper

College staff can help them understand themselves better and through this approach help them become more efficient and more successful adult learners. Harrison, Shari. 2003. "Creating a Successful Learning Environment for Postsecondary Students wit Continue Reading...

Reflection Journals in Education Essay

Journals of Herrera and Gottleib Books A healthy child is the joy of the family. Social and academic development of a child depend on his ability to use his eyes and ears effectively. When one of these organs is impaired, the child will face challe Continue Reading...

Growth of Mathematics Hard and Term Paper

For instance, classical mathematicians by definition rely on Plato's theory of forms as the underlying basis of their mathematical worldview. The Platonist assumes the existence of true, immutable, and universal forms and structures that the mathema Continue Reading...

Evaluations of Education Tests Essay

Test 1: Kindergarten Readiness Test, Second Edition Acronym: KRT Author: Scholastic Testing Service, Inc. Date: 2006-2015 Grade/Age: Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten, Immediately after Kindergarten enrollment Category: Developmental Purpose: Determining & Continue Reading...

Math Education Article Review

Children Learn Math education, over the precedent years has been a contentious issue plaguing society at large. Many students, as they enter their preliminary schooling years, often have difficulty learning basic mathematical concepts. These diffic Continue Reading...