191 Search Results for Measuring Improvements in Patient Safety

Health Care and Transparency Issues Essay

Standardization and Priorities of Healthcare Organizations Introduction As Leotsakos et al. (2014) note, standardization of patient safety in healthcare organizations has not proceeded with a great deal of progress in recent years though monumental s Continue Reading...

Quality Measurement Tools Healthcare Chapter

Assignment 2: Tools for Measuring QualityQuality measurement is important in nursing practice owing to the fact that it helps ensure successful assessment and hence delivery of quality health services. In the absence of quality measurement, there wou Continue Reading...

Nursing Finance Term Paper

Healthcare Practices in Nursing Today Over the last 50 years, health care systems all over the world have experienced rapid and significant changes. Some of these changes have been the result of innovative developments in medical science and techno Continue Reading...

Medical Records System Definition of Thesis

The master patient index (MPI) value was mainly liked by the personnel in the medical record section. The Golden 90s Equipped with MPI and record-keeping growth, software designers sustained to generate and progress with a new emphasis on individu Continue Reading...

Medication Errors Hospital Term Paper

Executive SummaryThe systemic problem identified in this gap analysis is medication errors in a hospital setting, which contribute to adverse patient outcomes, including hospitalization, disability, and even death. To address this issue, several prac Continue Reading...

Analyzing Management Action Plan Chapter

Management action plan (MAP) is a series of steps that are required for achieving a specific goal with certain resources within a definite time period. This paper would focus on an action plan for an identified opportunity for improvement (OFI) in a Continue Reading...

Medication Errors Term Paper

Identifying Opportunities to Reduce Medication Error Rates by Nursing Staff Today, one of the most challenging problems facing nurses practicing in any setting, but most especially tertiary healthcare facilities, is the adverse drug reactions caused Continue Reading...

Ways Engage Stakeholders Change Term Paper

Organizational Functions, Processes, and Behaviors in High-Performing Healthcare OrganizationsHigh-performing healthcare organizations exhibit several shared characteristics. They prioritize patient safety and quality of care through effective commun Continue Reading...

Business Case and Quality Analysis Essay

Business Case Quality Quality, value, and cost are elements or aspects that are inherently connected and firmly combined (Homer et al., 2004). Quality improvement programs have yet to disseminate as fast as possible all the way through medical facil Continue Reading...

Stroke Case Study

Stroke Stroke is identified as one of the leading causes of death and to decrease mortality rate a review of the causes is required. The importance of measuring and reviewing health care quality is no longer questioned. However quantifying quality Continue Reading...

Multiple Dimensions Nursing Practice Essay

I. NURSING PRACTICE DIMENSIONPRACTICE--Designed and Implemented the Basic Quality Care Blood Pressure Teaching Plan (BPTP). This project is not demonstrating a mere demo leadership. It shows the characteristic leadership at service where the systemat Continue Reading...

Nursing Leadership Issues Research Paper

Nursing Leadership Issues Reflect on how you would create a safe environment in a healthcare setting by applying the 4 characteristics of a culture of safety. They are: • Psychological safety. People know their concerns will be openly received Continue Reading...

Health-Outcomes-and-Diabetes Research Paper

Diabetes is one of the major non-communicable diseases today. In the U.S., approximately 9% of the general population have diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes, with a further 37% estimated to be pre-diabetic (CDC, 2016). The disease increasingly impose Continue Reading...