998 Search Results for Movie Versions of

Film Required for the Class with a Essay

film required for the class with a non-Required film of your choice. Andy Tennant's movie Hitch and Glen Ficarra's movie Crazy, Stupid, Love describe romantic stories by also relating to more complex topics such as love and the difficulty associate Continue Reading...

Film Juno Analysis Essay

Jason Reitman's 2007 film Juno addresses a difficult and potentially controversial topic: unwanted pregnancy and the challenges of deciding whether to terminate the pregnancy or carry it to term. Braha and Bryne describe Juno as a "comedy-dr Continue Reading...

Film Romeo and Juliet 1996 Term Paper

Director Baz Luhrmann's 1996 reworking of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a solid reworking of Shakespeare's classic tale. In the film two young lovers (Romeo and Juliet) are separated by a bitter and long-lasting family feud. Despite their family' Continue Reading...

Film and Media in the Digital Age Essay

Media Film & Media in the Digital Age Remediation & Convergence The first section of the paper will explain two terms or concepts within the context of film & media in the digital age: remediation and convergence. These two concepts ar Continue Reading...

Movie Review of the Tin Drum Research Paper

Tin Drum 1979 Film Review: The Tin Drum (1979) The film The Tin Drum (1979) is like nothing I had ever seen before. It was loud, offensive, and in your face; yet, lightly laced with an incredible depth that reflected the sentiment of a still broken Continue Reading...

Film Critique Do the Right Thing Term Paper

Spike Lee demonstrates his filmmaking prowess in his 1989 film Do the Right Thing. As with most of Lee's work, race relations are central to the story. With Do the Right Thing, Lee presents a bleak view of the nature and future of cross-cultural rela Continue Reading...

Movie a Bugs Life C. Estes Book Term Paper

Bug's Life And Estes Although an animated comedy, the Disney film A Bug's Life contains many characters that embody the archetypes described in Clarissa Pinkola Estes' book Women Who Run With the Wolves. For example, the aging Queen ant is the insec Continue Reading...

The 2010 Documentary Film Inside Film Review

The way that it uses John Alpert, a therapist who consulted a great deal of important Wall Street figures, with the purpose of showing how these people were basically no different from ordinary criminals (seeing prostitutes and using cocaine) when c Continue Reading...

Physical Comedy on Film Term Paper

Physical Comedy on Film Sophisticated, Funny and Physical: The Romances of Astaire and Rogers Physical comedy brings to mind Moe, Larry and Curly bopping each other over the head. Or it might suggest Lucille Ball stuffing chocolates into her mouth, Continue Reading...

Wstern Film Motion Picture Directors Essay

When he stays among those in the Cheyenne tribe, Jack has a fairy-tale-like life, he learns about respect and about how to be at peace with the world. Question number 4. The Searchers is one of the most renowned Westerns mainly because it has John Continue Reading...

Othello in a Movie This Term Paper

" (Blackwelder) Like Shakespeare's original and Parker's version, Odin's fame and popularity and his love for Desi Brable played by Julia Stiles who is the daughter of the school's headmaster just tees Hugo off. With jealousy and envy guiding him, Hu Continue Reading...

True Grit Newest Version Essay

True Grit (Newest Version) Joel and Ethan Coen's 1969 motion picture True Grit puts across an account involving 14-year-old Mattie Ross as she hires a worn-down U.S. Marshall to track down her father's murderer, Tom Chaney. This film is intriguing b Continue Reading...

1922 Silent Film Nosferatu: A Term Paper

These subsequent Draculas are all pretenders to the throne, thanks to the iconographic excellence that emerged in the 1922 version. Indeed, subsequent Draculas in many cases have taken on slick, well-dressed, classy appearances, quite the opposite o Continue Reading...

Bram Stoker's Novel Dracula Term Paper

Film Adaptations of Bram Stoker's Dracula Over The Years The stuff of legends in Eastern Europe, vampires have become a staple of the horror film industry. From Max Schreck's Count Orloff in 1922 to Lugosi's Dracula in 1931, to Lee's unforgettable p Continue Reading...

2001 Space Odyssey Film Analysis Essay

Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey is a masterpiece in the science fiction genre. Based on a story by Arthur C. Clarke, the film epitomizes the features of science fiction, including an overarching theme questioning the role of h Continue Reading...

Tomas Alfredson's 2008 Film Let Term Paper

Recognizing that the film's title functions on both of these levels is important because it reveals how Alfredson deploys common vampire tropes in novel ways which serve to elevate the emotional content of the film, so that the "rules" surrounding Continue Reading...

Cinema Paradiso The Film Cinema Term Paper

The manager tells him it closed because the economy changed and because of television and videos. What this really means is that the theater closed when the audience left, emphasizing the close community relationship involved in film. In the old day Continue Reading...

Combat Movies Term Paper

War Films Taking Jeanine Basinger at her word would leave us with far fewer war films than we think we have. Basinger is a 'strict constructionist,' accepting as war films only those that have actual scenes of warfare (Curley and Wetta, 1992. p. 8; Continue Reading...

Product Writing on the Movie Term Paper

Unlike most television series which wait until the entire series is filmed and aired before they release it on DVD, Glee has already released its first season on DVD, despite the fact that they have not yet completed filming the second season. This Continue Reading...

Man With a Movie Camera Term Paper

A perfect example of this is located in Chapter three. Chapter three opens with the camera zooming steadily in on a window. The shot then cuts to a shot of streetlights, establishing the time of day as early morning. Even though simply not enough o Continue Reading...