379 Search Results for Sentencing Theories Philosophies and Practices

Justice As Retribution Research Paper

Justice as Retribution Every individual in the globe has a perception towards crime, justice, criminals, and many other aspects in relation to criminals. On hearing the term "criminal," every individual reacts differently. There are those who feel t Continue Reading...

Unitary Human Beings An Examination Thesis

The holistic view of the human being (i.e. The patient) and the environment is in some ways an echo of the holistic nature of the theory itself, which quite consciously and explicitly attempted to develop a theory appropriate to all aspects and situ Continue Reading...

Hindu Influences in America. Although Essay

Another element shared in common by Shinto and Taoism is religious purity. The concept of purity is taken to a greater extreme in Shinto, in which physical illness is perceived as spiritual impurity. A Taoist is concerned with both physical and spir Continue Reading...

Task Force Creation Research Paper

Terrorist Profiling Task force case study: Creating a new parole policy to reduce crime and expenditures on crime Other than her immediate advisors or cabinet members, who should the governor seek for advice on the plan? The two major areas of con Continue Reading...

Health-Insurance-and-Justice Essay

Amartya Sen, a noted scholar in the world of philosophical discussions and interpretations, is presenting counter arguments to John Rawls' approach to a theory of justice. In the process, Sen is also trying to cement his own approach to a theory of Continue Reading...

Aristotle Politics Article

slavery and citizenship in Aristotle's Politic: Aristotle believes that most people in the world can be enslaved devoid of injustice as they are born to be slaves. At the same time some are born to be free and dominate as masters. Most modern criti Continue Reading...

Integrating Critical As Well As Term Paper

(Eljamal; Stark; Arnold; Sharp, 1999) To conclude, it be said that if we will not be able to master imparting the capability to think in a developed form, our profession, as well as perhaps our world, would be influenced and taken over by someone w Continue Reading...

Thomas Paine Of "Common Sense" Term Paper

Paine's decision to write of high philosophical and political issues in common speech, and of used "graphic metaphors and his simple sentence structure [to] reflect a language understood at the time by common Americans," (Moss & Wilson, ed) has Continue Reading...

John Rawls Political Philosopher Term Paper

Political Science: John Rawls John Rawls: Political Philosopher In the Preface to A Theory of Justice, the late philosopher John Rawls goes beyond what would normally be expected of an author in terms of laying out practical suggestions "to make th Continue Reading...

What Is Hermeneutics? Essay

Hermeneutics is the art of interpretation, closely taking apart a text, a discourse, or some other narrative in order to assess the underlying aspects to see what the author is 'really' telling us, or what we can discover about his life. In general, Continue Reading...

Plato and Milan Kundera's Book Term Paper

" (Kundera: 60) at this point, a strong connection between body and soul is forged. Her mother is unwell, and Tereza wants to visit her. However, Tomas opposes this trip so she does not go. Tereza falls in the street hours later and injures herself. Continue Reading...

Kant Moral Worth Term Paper

Moral Worth Present, explain, and assess the thesis that only acts done from duty have moral worth In his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant addresses the issue of how people can determine the moral value of actions. His centra Continue Reading...

Matrix Movie Term Paper

Cypher's desire in The Matrix, to be plugged back into the program. It is maintained that this desire is wrong or misleading from the viewpoints of both Plato and Socrates, who say that knowledge is virtue and thus, nothingness -- the result of the Continue Reading...