138 Search Results for 2008 Democratic Presidential Primary

Black Lives Matter Essay

Topics: What is the Black Lives Matter Movement and why is it important? Is the Black Lives Matter Movement doing more harm than good? What is the purpose of the Black Lives Matter Movement? Who founded the Black Lives Movement? Titles: The Troubl Continue Reading...

National Health Care Reform The Term Paper

Obama's health care reform will make health care more accessible and more affordable and make insurers more accountable, as well as expand health care coverage to every American and make the health care system sustainable by stabilizing family budg Continue Reading...


A comprehensive approach to ethical journalism might incorporate all three concerns by focusing on the duty to protect the welfare of the people within the U.S. By ensuring that all journalism is truthful, unencumbered by conflicts of interests, and Continue Reading...

Truman's Dilemma in the Korean War Essay

President Harry S. Truman found himself entrenched in a major dilemma as the Korean War unfolded. The consensus among most political leaders in the United States was that the Soviet Union was intending to export communism to the rest of the world. Th Continue Reading...

Independence Less Than Half a Dissertation

Notwithstanding the challenges involved, the stakes are high and there is little room for false starts or experimentation; therefore, identifying a general set of best practices that Gambian organizations can follow in developing their own set of su Continue Reading...

Iran Contra Affair Research Paper

Iran-Contra Affair Historical Background of the Iran-Contra Affair Events Surrounding the Decision. Nicaraguan context. In the 1970s, dissatisfaction with a manipulative and corrupt government was escalating. All socio-economic classes were impact Continue Reading...

Devil in the White City Essay

And so indeed, Chicago - and hence in the eyes of the world, America - accomplished this dramatic transition into the 20th Century with a lot of help and a big public relations push resulting from the World's Fair, albeit the ugly specter of a seri Continue Reading...

Leadership Style Made Abraham Lincoln Essay

Interestingly, and not well-known, is the fact that as a method of "methodically" shortening the long odds against him, Lincoln arranged to have transcripts of his debates with Douglas published. The publishing of those debates greatly improved his Continue Reading...

Gun Control Right to Bear Arms Essay

Embedded into the express rights and freedoms of the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights is the right to bear arms. The Second Amendment states explicitly the purpose for its existence: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the secu Continue Reading...

Freedom of the Press and Thesis

Authors Donald Lively and Russell Weaver describe Hustler Magazine as Falwell's "antagonist (p. 79)," no doubt representing for Falwell abuses of our Constitutional freedoms. "In 1983, Hustler Magazine decided to parody Falwell using a Campari Liqu Continue Reading...

Soviet Union and the New Research Paper

In an unprecedented move, Khrushchev denounced many of Stalin's excesses and set about changing Soviet policy towards the developing world. This change, some call it flexibility, was the branch the Soviets offered to developing countries, like Cuba. Continue Reading...

NAFTA Described As a 'living, Thesis

S. attributed to NAFTA. Figure 1: Rise in the Business Investment (adapted from "NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 1). Myth #2: NAFTA has cost the U.S. jobs. Fact: U.S. employment rose from 110.8 million people in 1993 to 137.6 million in 2007, an incr Continue Reading...

Presidency and the Congress From Thesis

Other Congressional Democrats too are withdrawing their support of the president, including Senator Paul Kirk, Jr. Of Massachusetts. Health care reform too has seen a parting of the ways for some Democrats and the president. Health care reform was Continue Reading...